American University of Beirut

Services Archives & Special Collections

​​​​​The Archives and Special Collections Department offers the following services:

Research & Teaching

  • Research guidance and access to primary and historical documents.
  • Class visits: Hosting faculty members and their students and displaying primary material tailored to curriculum. Ext: 2610;

​​R​equirements for on-site visit:

  • ​​A valid AUB ID-card from the AUB Community; and an official ID and/or passport with a library membership card is necessary for ext​ernal researchers (for details on obtaining a membership card check the External Borrower Categories).
  • ​R​​esearchers wishing to visit the Archives and Special Collections Department are kindly requested to fill this Form​. Researchers planning to make extensive use of the collections are strongly encouraged to email the Department with their inquiry to ensure promptness of services, and availability of resources:​​


Reproductions can be requested from the AUB community as well as outsiders for a fee. It is the library policy to charge all requesters regardless of their affiliations. Payment can be accepted in the form of cash, a check, or a wire transfer.

Limited reproduction of archival collections is permitted for research purposes only. (All reproductions are in digital format).

Fill in the form for the requested materials.

The table of fees for reproduction is as below:​
Product Academic/
Non Profit
Books (out-of- copyright)$0.5 (per page)$1 (per page)$5
Rare Books $1 (per page) $2 (per page)$5
DVD (AUB)$25$50$5
Maps pre-1900
Maps 1900-1950$5
Maps 1950-$5 $15$5
Manuscript $1 (per page)
​Photos Pre 1900
Cover $100
Inside $ 50
Photos 1900-1950$15Cover $100
Inside $ 50
Photos Post 1950-$10$25
Archival Material$0.50 (per page)
​Newspapers / Year
(out of print)

$0.50 (per page)
$70 (per reel)​

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