American University of Beirut

Department of Earth Sciences

​Doummar, Joanna J.
​Abdel-Rahman, Abdel-Fattah M.
​Associate Professors:
​Doummar, Joanna J.; Salah, Mohamed K.
​Assistant Professors:
​Haidar, Ali T. ; Nemer, Tony S.
​Khadra, Wisam M.

​The Department of Earth Sciences offers programs leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Geology and Master of Science degrees in certain areas of the vast field of earth sciences. It also offers a more broadly-based program leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Geosciences. Students wishing to transfer to Geology or Petroleum Geosciences must secure the approval of the department. In addition, students must have a strong background in sciences and have taken the freshman science program or its equivalent. The department also offers undergraduate elective courses which include GEOL 101, GEOL 102, GEOL 103, GEOL 104, GEOL 106, and GEOL 201 in the area of general Geology, and GEOL 204, GEOL 205, GEOL 206, GEOL 208 and GEOL 227 in the fields of environmental and planetary Geology

Field trips are a required part of most Geology courses. 

Mission Statement 

The Department of Earth Sciences provides a solid grounding in Geosciences at the service of a sustainable Earth. Through a series of foundational courses, the student acquires a thorough appreciation of the physical, chemical, and biological processes shaping the structure and evolution of the Earth’s geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere and the complex interactions between them. Process-based concepts combined with fieldwork techniques, lab, and computational experience allow the construction of quantitative models of relevance to resource exploration (e.g., water, oil and gas, and minerals), risk and hazard assessment (e.g., earthquakes and landslides), and emerging environmental issues (e.g., landfills, soil, and water contamination). A venerable geological museum features a historical collection of rocks, fossils, and maps which bring the field to the classroom with in-house exposure to Earth Science processes. With our track-oriented approach and interdisciplinary curriculum, our graduates acquire an appreciation of the broad relevance of geosciences to landscapes, built and natural environments, and life’s evolution around them. We seek to provide our students with the knowledge, conceptual frameworks, and technical skills that prepare them to lead successful careers as professional geoscientists and/or future researchers.

BS Degree in Geology​

The requirements for a BS degree in Geology are 90 credits for students entering the department at the sophomore level, including 36 credits in the major. The distribution of university requirements is as follows:

Core required Geology courses: GEOL 201, GEOL 203, GEOL 207, GEOL 213, GEOL 216, GEOL 216L, GEOL 219, GEOL 221, GEOL 223, GEOL 223L, GEOL 226, GEOL 297, GEOL 298 and GEOL 299 which is a total of 30 credits, in addition to two required Geology elective courses (6 credits).

Students have to take three required Quantitative Reasoning (9 credits) - MATH 201, STAT 210 or STAT 231, and CMPS 203 or equivalent. In addition to two Understanding the World courses (6 credits) from Chemistry and/ or Physics. Students may opt for MATH 202 or Understanding the World course to fulfill the 3 remaining mandatory credits.

Students are also required to take a total of 6 credits to be selected from a list of approved departmental courses or interdepartmental courses. A 0-credit mandatory internship course GEOL 299 provides students with the opportunity to acquire a professional experience in the field of Earth Sciences.

No course may be taken without its prerequisite unless authorized by the department chair.

University General Education R​​​equirements

The General Education requirements are Understanding Communication - English (6 credits), Understanding Communication - Arabic (3 credits), Cultures and Histories (9 credits), Human Values (3 credits), Societies and Individuals (6 credits), Understanding the World and Quantitative Reasoning (9 credits with at least 3 credits from each), and Community Engaged Learning (3 credits). 

At least one of the courses from Cultures and Histories or Human Values should be from the History of Ideas: CHLA. At least one course from your degree requirements (except Understanding Communication) should cover the theme of Social Inequalities (3 credits).  

Students admitted in Geology are eligible to continue in the program provided they obtain, by the end of their third regular term at AUB, a minimum average of 2.3 in any three out of the following five courses: GEOL 201, GEOL 216, GEOL 213, and GEOL 223. Otherwise, they will normally be dropped from the department. Consideration for readmission requires a minimum cumulative average of 2.3 overall and a minimum average of 2.3 in any three out of the following five Geology courses: GEOL 201, GEOL 216, GEOL 213, and GEOL 223, and this should be achieved within the following two regular terms (at the very latest) after being dropped from the major. Majors must complete the following courses, in which a general average of 2.3 or more must be maintained in core geology required courses.

BS Degree in Petrol​​eum Geosciences 

The requirements for a BS degree in Petroleum Geosciences are 90 credits for students entering the department at the sophomore level, including 40 credits of Geology courses, 6 credits of chemistry and physics courses, 6 credits of business courses, 3 credits in economics (ECON 211 or 212) and 3 credits in education (EDUC 215 or 230). The distribution of university requirements is as follows:

The core courses of the Petroleum Geosciences program (totaling 58 credits) are GEOL 201, GEOL 203, GEOL 207, GEOL 216, GEOL 211, GEOL 212 (or equivalent), GEOL 213, GEOL 219, GEOL 221, GEOL 222 & GEOL 214 (or equivalent), 225 or equivalent, GEOL 226, GEOL 227, GEOL 229 (or equivalent), GEOL 297, GEOL 298, ACCT 210, MNGT 215, and ECON (GE); one of the following chemistry courses: CHEM 201, CHEM 202, or CHEM 208, as well as one of the following physics courses: PHYS 204, PHYS 205, or PHYS 210. In addition, a required elective course, CMPS 203, MATH 201, or STAT 210, must be completed.

Students admitted in Petroleum Geosciences are eligible to continue in the program provided they obtain, by the end of their third regular term at AUB, a minimum average of 2.3 in any three out of the following courses: GEOL 201, GEOL 211, GEOL 212, GEOL 213, and GEOL 222. Otherwise, they will normally be dropped from the department. Consideration for readmission requires a minimum cumulative average of 2.3 overall and a minimum average of 2.3 in any three out of the following five Geology courses: GEOL 201, GEOL 211, GEOL 212, GEOL 213, and GEOL 222. This should be achieved within the following two regular terms (at the very latest) after being dropped from the major.

University General Educatio​n Requirements 

The General Education requirements are Understanding Communication - English (6 credits), Understanding Communication - Arabic (3 credits), Cultures and Histories (9 credits), Human Values (3 credits), Societies and Individuals (6 credits), Understanding the World and Quantitative Reasoning (9 credits with at least 3 credits from each), and Community Engaged Learning (3 credits).

At least one of the courses from Cultures and Histories or Human Values should be from the History of Ideas: CHLA. At least one course from your degree requirements (except Understanding Communication) should cover the theme of Social Inequalities (3 credits).

Minor in Geology 

To obtain a minor in Geology, students must complete the following core course GEOL 201, and any four courses from the following: GEOL 209, GEOL 211 or 216, GEOL 213, GEOL 222 or 223, and GEOL 227 (for a total of 15 credits).

Course Descriptions ​

3​​​6 Credits

​Modes of Analysis

​Understanding Communication - English and Arabic (9)

​Cultures and Histories (9), Human Values (3)

​Societies and Individuals (Min. 6)

​Understanding the World Quantitative Reasoning (9:3/6+3/6)

​CommunityEngaged Learning (3)

​Lecture Courses (9+12+6+36 +9+3)

​Required Arabic course (3)

Required English courses: 203(3), 204(3)

​Required credits in the Cultures and Histories: 9 credits including History of Ideas and 3 credits Human Values

​Required credits in Societies and Individuals to be selected from an approved GE list: 6 credits

​Required Geology courses: GEOL 201(3), 216(3), 213(3), 219(3), 221(3), 223(3), 226(3), 297(3), 298(3)

Elective geology courses: GEOL 204(3), 208(3), GEOL 209(3), 225(3), 271(3), 272(3), 290(3) 

Two understanding the world courses must be an approved general education course from outside the major (PHYS 204, 205, 210) or CHEM 201, 202,208)

Required quantitative reasoning courses: CMPS 203(3), MATH 201(3) and STAT 210 (3) or STAT 231(3)

Math 202 or understanding the world course (3) credits from approved GE in physics or chemistry and courses in Biology (BIOL 201 and BIOL 202)

​To be selected from an approved GE list

​Seminar (18 + 12)

​Geology courses: GEOL 201(3),213(3), 216(3), 221(3), 223(3), 226(3)

Elective geology courses:

GEOL 225(3), GEOL 208, GEOL 209(3), GEOL 227(3), GEOL 290(3)

Two approved GEOL courses or approved courses from MSFEA, FAS (BIOL), FHS and FAFS

​Laboratory (11+4)

​Required geology courses:

GEOL 203(1), GEOL 207 (1), GEOL 216L (1), GEOL 223L(1), GEOL 213(3), GEOL 219(2), GEOL 221(3), GEOL 226(3)

​Research Project (36+12)

​Required geology courses:

GEOL 219(2), GEOL 297(3), GEOL 298(3), GEOL 299(0)

40 Credits in Petroleum​​ Geoscience

Modes of Analysis
​Understanding Communication - English and Arabic (9)
​Cultures and Histories (9), Human Values (3)
​Societies and Individuals (Min. 6)
​Major requirements (40) Understanding the World, Quantitative Reasoning (6:3+3)
Comm unityEngaged Learning (3)
Lecture Courses (9+12+9+3 +37+6+3)​​Required Arabic course (3) 

Required English courses: ENGL 203(3), 204(3)
​Required credits in the Cultures and Histories: 9 credits including History of Ideas and 3 credits Human Values
​Required business courses: ACCT 210(3), MNGT 215(3)

Economics course: ECON 211(3) or ECON 212(3)

One approved GE Societies and Individuals course (3): EDUC 215(3) or EDUC 230(3)
Required geology course: GEOL 201(3), 211(3), 212(3),213(3), 214(3), 219(3), 221(3),222(3), 225(3), 226(3), 227(3), 229(6)

Chemistry and physics courses: CHEM 208 and one of PHYS 204(3), PHYS 205(3), PHYS 210(3).

Elective geology courses: GEOl 271(3), 272(3), 290(3)​

Required elective computer science courses: MATH 201(3), STAT 210(3) or CMPS 203(3) 
​To be selected from an approved GE list
​Seminar (30+12)
Required geology courses: GEOL 201(3), 213(3), 214(3), 219(2), 221(3), 222(3), 225(3), 229(6)​

Elective geology courses: 271(3), 272(3), 290(3)
​Laboratory (13,3)
​Required geology courses: GEOL 203(1), GEOL 207(1), 211(3), 212(3), 213(3), 222(3), 226(3), 227(3) 
​Research Project (27+12)
​Required geology courses: GEOL 201(3), 213(3), 214(3), 219(3), 221(3), 222(3), 225(3), 229(6)

Elective geology courses: GEOL 271(3), 272(3), 318​(3) 

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