American University of Beirut

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Chehab, Ali
Professors:Abou-Faycal, Ibrahim; Bazzi, Louay; Chaaban, Farid; Chedid, Riad; Chehab, Ali; Dawy, Zaher; Elhajj, Imad; El-Hajj, Ali; Jabr, Rabih; Kabalan, Karim; Karaki, Sami; Kayssi, Ayman; Sharafeddine, Sanaa
Associate Professors:Awad, Mariette; Costantine, Joseph; Daher, Naseem; Kanj, Rouwaida; Karameh, Fadi; Saghir, Mazen; Tawk, Youssef; Zaraket, Fadi
Assistant Professors:

Fahs, Jihad; Issa, Ibrahim; Sarieddine, Hadi
​Adjunct Professors:
​Hajj, Hazem; Mansour, Mohammad; Mneimneh, Saad
Lecturers:Bakri, Hussein; Hariss, Khalil; Hussein, Ali; Shwaykani, Hassan
Instructor:Ashkar, Nicolas; Chbaro, Malek

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers three undergraduate programs leading to the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in addition to two minors and two tracks.

Undergraduate Programs

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in three majors:

  • Computer and Communications Engineering (CCE)
  • Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)


We promote excellence in undergraduate and graduate education, research, and service to the profession at the regional and global levels. We offer world-class academic programs built upon a solid foundation of engineering, science, and liberal education. We prepare students to be professionals, capable of being leaders, entrepreneurs, and researchers, who deploy their skills with ingenuity, integrity, and responsibility.

The Computer and Communications Engineering program allows students to focus on the areas of communication systems, networks, or software systems. The Computer Science and Engineering program allows students to focus on the areas of software engineering, systems and networks, cybersecurity, theory and algorithms, data science, or bioinformatics. The CSE program is offered in cooperation with the Computer Science Department of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. The Electrical and Computer Engineering program allows students to focus on the areas of power and energy systems, electromagnetics and radio frequency systems, or control and intelligent systems. The ECE and CCE programs also allow students to focus on electronics or computer systems.

All three programs require the completion of 143 credits including an internship and a final year project; and prepare students for professional careers as well as graduate studies.

The ECE department also offers a minor in Biomedical Engineering and a track in Control and Robotics, in addition to a minor and a track in Artificial Intelligence.​

Computer and Communications Engineering Program

Program Educ​​ational Objectives

The objectives of the CCE program are to graduate students who are able to:

  • achieve their employment or post-graduate educational goals and
  • advance in their careers through leadership, life-long learning, innovation, critical thinking, integrity and civic responsibility.

Program ​​​Requirements

  • Mathematics: MATH 201; MATH 202; MATH 211 or CMPS 211; MATH 218 or 219; STAT 230/233; and one of MATH 210, 224, 227, MATH/CMPS 251 or 261

  • Sciences: PHYS 210, PHYS 210L, CHEM 201 or 202, CHEM 203 or 205, and one additional science elective

  • General Education Requirements:

    • 6 credits in Cultures and Histories
    • 3 credits in History of Ideas
    • 6 credits in Societies and Individuals
    • 6 credits in understanding communications (ENGL 203 and ENGL 206)
    • 3 credits in understanding communications (Arabic)
    • 3 credits Community Engaged Learning (one course should cover the theme of Social Inequalities)
  • Human Values: INDE 410

  • INDE 301: Engineering Economy

  • ECE Core Courses:  FEAA 200, EECE 210, EECE 230, EECE 290, EECE 310, EECE 311, EECE 320, EECE 321, EECE 330, EECE 340, EECE 350, EECE 380, EECE 442

  • ECE Laboratories: EECE 310L, EECE 321L, EECE 410L, two additional laboratories: one restricted laboratory and one elective laboratory

  • ECE Restricted Electives:  Four restricted elective courses from the list of CCE Focus Area courses with a minimum of two courses from one area and no more than three courses from any given area.

  • Undergraduate Elective Courses: 3 credits of EECE 300 or 400 level courses

  • EECE Technical Electives: 6 credits of EECE with a number equal to, or greater than, 300 (except EECE 312)

  • Pre-Approved Electives: 9 credits of coursework. No more than 6 credits may be taken from the same department, program or track (except EECE) 

  • Approved Experience: EECE 500

  • Final Year Project: EECE 501 and EECE 502

The program requirements can be completed according to the following proposed schedule:

​Term I (Fall)
FEAA 200​Introduction to Engineering and Architecture
EECE 210Electric Circuits3
ENGL 203Academic English3
MATH 201Calculus and Analytic Geometry III3
MATH/CMPS 211Discrete Structures3
​ ​ Total 15
​ ​ ​
​Term II (Spring)
EECE 230​Introduction to Computation and Programming
EECE 290Analog Signal Processing​3
MATH 202Differential Equations​3
MATH 218/219Linear Algebra​3
PHYS 210Introductory Physics II​3
PHYS 210LIntroductory Physics Laboratory II1
​ ​ Total 16
​ ​ ​
​Term III (Summer)
CHEM 201/202​Chemistry Course
CHEM 203/205Chemistry Laboratory​2
​Humanities or Social Sciences Elective 3 ​​3
​ ​ ​Total 8
​ ​ ​
​Term IV (Fall)
EECE 310​Electronics
EECE 310LElectric Circuits Laboratory​1
EECE 320Digital Systems Design​3
EECE 330Data Structures and Algorithms​3
EECE 380Engineering Electromagnetics​3
STAT 230/233Introduction to Probability and Random Variables​3
​ ​ ​Total 16
​ ​ ​
​Term V (Spring)
EECE 311​Electronic Circuits
EECE 321Computer Organization​3
EECE 321LComputer Organization Laboratory​1
EECE 340Signals and Systems​3
EECE 350Computer Networks​3
Science Elective​3
​ ​Total 16
​ ​ ​
​Term VI (Summer) ​ ​Credits
​ENGL 206
​Technical English3​
​Cultures and Histories or Societies and Individuals Elective ​​​3
​ ​ ​Total 9
​ ​
​Term VII (Fall)
EECE 442​Communication Systems
EECE 3xx/4xxRestricted Elective​3
EECE 3xx/4xxRestricted Elective​3
INDE 301Engineering Economy​3
​ ​ ​Total 15
​ ​ ​
​Term VIII (Spring) ​ Credits
​EECE 3xx/4xx
​Restricted Elective 
EECE 3xx/4xx​Restricted Elective 
​Community Engaged Learning 
​​EECE 410L​System Integration Laboratory 
INDE 410Human values
Cultures and Histories or Societies and Individuals Elective ​
​ ​ ​Total 16
​ ​ ​
​Term IX (Summer)
EECE 500​Approved Experience1 b​
​ ​ ​
​Term X (Fall)
EECE 501​Final Year Project
EECERestricted Laboratory​1
EECE 3xx/4xxElective​3
EECE EECE Technical Elective​3
Pre-Approved ElectivesEECE or Other3
​Cultures and Histories or Societies and Individuals Elective 
​ ​ ​Total 16
​ ​ ​
​Term XI (Spring)
EECE 502​Final Year Project
EECEElective Laboratory​1
EECEEECE Elective​3
Two PreApproved ElectivesEECE or Other​6
​Cultures and Histories or Societies and Individuals Elective ​
​ ​ ​Total 16
​ ​Total Credit Hours

​List o​​f CCE Focus Are​a Courses

  • Area 1: Applied Electromagnetics and RF Systems: EECE 480, 481, 482, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488
  • Area 2: Computer Hardware Systems: EECE 412, 420, 421, 422, 423, 425
  • Area 3: Communications and Networking: EECE 440, 444, 446, 451, 455, 491
  • Area 4: Software Systems: EECE 331, 332, 334, 338, 430, 432, 433, 437, 438, 439, 490

List of CCE Res​​tricted Labs

  • EECE 412L, 430L, 431L, 434L, 435L, 442L, 451L, 480L​

List of Pre-Approved​​ Technical Electives

  • Any EECE course with a number equal to or greater than 300 (except EECE 312)
  • Any ENMG course with a number equal to, or greater than, 600
  • ACCT 210, 215
  • ARDS 400
  • BIOL 201, 202, 210, 223, 224, 225, 243, 244, 247, 260, 268, 290, 370
  • BMEN 501, 502, 600, 601, 603, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 798CC
  • CHEM 200, 201, 202, 206, 208, 211, 212, 215, 217, 218, 227, 228, 229
  • CHEN 490, 675
  • CIVE 460, 461, 553, 601, 602, 655, 661, 662, 663, 664, 665
  • CMPS 224, 251, 257/215, 262, 272/240, 274/232, 277/244, 281/254, 285, 286, 288, 297, 316, 350, 351, 373/323, 391, 396
  • DCSN 200, 210, 216
  • ECON 214, 215, 217, 218, 222, 223/224, 226, 227, 228, 230, 232, 235, 236, 237, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 333, 341
  • ENTM 225, 235
  • FEAA 520
  • FINA 211, 220
  • GEOL 201, 204, 205, 211, 212, 213, 219, 221
  • INDE 302, 303, 412
  • MATH 210, 212, 213, 214, 220, 223, 224, 227, 234, 238, 241, 242, 251, 261, 271, 281, 303, 304, 306, 314, 315, 341, 344, 351
  • MECH 310, 314, 320, 340, 550, 631, 633, 634, 641, 642, 674
  • MKTG 210, 225
  • MNGT 218, 220, 229, 230
  • PHYL 246
  • PHYS 212, 217, 223, 225, 226, 235, 236, 249
  • PSYC 226, 229
  • Any STAT course with a number equal to or greater than 234
  • VIPP 201, 202, 301, 401

List of Scien​ce Electives

  • BIOL 201, BIOL 202, BIOL 209, BIOL 210, CHEM 201, CHEM 207/211, GEOL 201, GEOL 204, GEOL 205, GEOL 211, MAUD 204, PHYL 246, PHYS 212, PHYS 217, PHYS 223, PHYS 235, PHYS 236, PSYC 222, PSYC 224

Computer Science and Engineering Program

Program Educat​ional Objectives

The objectives of the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) program are to graduate students who are able to:

  • Achieve their employment or post-graduate educational goals and
  • Advance in their careers through leadership, life-long learning, innovation, critical thinking, integrity, and civic responsibility.

Program Requi​rements

  • Mathematics: MATH 201, MATH 211, MATH 218 or 219, STAT 230 or 233, and two courses from the list of CSE MATH electives.​

  • Sciences: PHYS 211; PHYS 211L; and at least 8 credits from the list of science electives, to include at least one natural science elective.

  • General Education Requirements:

    • 6 credits in Cultures and Histories
    • 3 credits in History of Ideas
    • 6 credits in Societies and Individuals
    • 6 credits in understanding communications (ENGL 203 and ENGL 206)
    • 3 credits in understanding communications (Arabic)
    • 3 credits Community Engaged Learning (one course should cover the theme of Social Inequalities) 
  • Human Values: INDE 410

  • INDE 301: Engineering Economy

  • INDE 412: Engineering Entrepreneurship

  • CSE Core Courses:  FEAA 200, EECE 230, 320, 321, 330, 331, 332, 334, 338, 351, 430, 432, 455, 490.

  • CSE Laboratories: EECE 321L, 430L, 435L, and one restricted CSE laboratory.

  • CSE Focus Areas: 9 credits to satisfy the requirements of one of the CSE focus areas.

  • Pre-Approved Electives:  Five 3-credit courses selected from the list of pre-approved Electives.

  • Approved Experience: EECE 500

  • Final Year Project: EECE 501 and EECE 502.

The program requirements can be completed according to the following proposed schedule

​Term I (Fall)
FEAA 200​Introduction to Engineering and Architecture
EECE 230Introduction to Computation and Programing​3
MATH/CMPS 211Discrete Math​3
MATH 201Calculus and Analytic Geometry III​3
ENGL 203Academic English​3
​ ​ ​Total 15
​ ​ ​
​Term II (Spring)
EECE 330​Data Structures and Algorithms
MATH 218/219Linear Algebra​3
STAT 230/233Probability and Random Variables​3
PHYS 211Electricity and Magnetism​3
PHYS 211LElectricity and Magnetism Lab​1
Cultures and Histories or Societies and Individuals Elective
​ ​ ​Total 16
​ ​ ​
​Term III (Summer)
At least 4 credits from the List of CSE Science Electives​4
Cultures and Histories or Societies and Ind​ividuals Elective
​ ​ ​Total 7
​ ​ ​
​Term IV (Fall)
EECE 331​Design and Analysis of Algorithms
EECE 332Object-Oriented and Effective Java Programing​3
EECE 320Digital Design​3
EECE 351Computing Networks and Services​3
​At least 4 credits from the List of CSE Science Electives ​​4
​ ​ ​Total 16
​ ​ ​
​Term V (Spring)
EECE 338​Theory of Computation
EECE 334Programming Language Design and Implementation​3
EECE 321Computer Organization​3
EECE 321LComputer Organization Lab​1
INDE 301Engineering Economy​3
Cultures and Histories or Societies and Individuals Elective
​ ​Total 16
​ ​ ​
​Term VI (Summer)
Math Elective
ENGL 206​Technical English​3
Arabic Elective​3
​ ​ ​Total 9
​ ​ ​
​Term VII (Fall)
​​​EECE 455​Cryptography and Network Security
EECE 490Machine Learning​3
EECE 432Operating Systems​3
EECECSE Restricted Laboratory​1
EECE or OtherCSE Concentration Area Elective​3
INDE 410​Human Values
​ ​ ​Total 16
​Term VIIII (Spring)
Math Elective
​EECE 430​
Software Engineering
Web, Mobile, and Application Development Lab ​
​EECE or Other     
Pre-Approved Elective
EECE or OtherCSE Concentration Area ElectiveCSE Focus Area​3
INDE 412Engineering Entrepreneurship​
​ ​ ​Total 17
​ ​ ​
​Term IX (Summer)
EECE 500​Approved Experience1b
​ ​ ​
​Term X (Fall)
EECE 501​Final Year Project
EECE 435LSoftware Tools Lab​1
Community Engaged Learning
EECE or OtherTwo Pre-Approved Electives​6
Cultures and Histories or Societies and Individuals Elective
​ ​ Total 16​
​ ​ ​
​Term XI (Spring)
EECE 502​Final Year Project
EECE or OtherCSE Focus Area​3
EECE or OtherTwo Pre-Approved Electives​6
Cultures and Histories or Societies and Individuals Elective​
​ ​ ​Total 15
Total Credit Hours​

​List of CS​​​​​E Focus Areas

  • Software Engineering (3 courses, 9 credits): CMPS 224, EECE 433/CMPS 244, EECE 437, EECE 438, EECE 631, EECE 636, EECE 638, EECE 652, EECE 499 in Software Design and Validation
  • Systems and Networks (3 courses, 9 credits): CMPS 224, EECE 420, EECE 421, EECE 422, EECE 425, EECE 439, EECE 451, EECE 454, EECE 503E, EECE 503F, EECE 651, EECE 499 in Systems and Networks
  • Cybersecurity (3 courses, 9 credits): EECE 503G, EECE 503J, EECE 635, EECE 641, EECE 655, EECE 657, EECE 798I, EECE 798J, EECE 499 in Cybersecurity
  • Theory and Algorithms (3 courses, 9 credits): MATH 210, MATH 241 or MATH 261 and one from CMPS 316, EECE 631, EECE 635, EECE 636, EECE 641, EECE 642, EECE 731, EECE 499 in Theory and Algorithms. (Students interested in theory and algorithms are advised to choose MATH 219 from MATH 218/219 and STAT 233 from STAT 230/233.)
  • Artificial Intelligence and Data Science (3 courses, 9 credits): CMPS 262, EECE 433/ CMPS 244, EECE 631, EECE 633, EECE 634, EECE 636, EECE 639, EECE 663, EECE 668, EECE 693, EECE 699, STAT 234, STAT/MATH 238, STAT 239, EECE 499 in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.
  • Bioinformatics: BIOL 210 or BIOL 223 and BIOL 370 or CMPS 297/396 and one from: EECE 433/CMPS 244, EECE 631, EECE 633, EECE 634, EECE 636, EECE 639, EECE 663, EECE 668, EECE 693, EECE 699, CMPS 262, STAT 234, STAT/MATH 238, STAT 239, EECE 499 in Bioinformatics.
  • Individually designed (3 courses, 9 credits): Three courses with a unifying theme proposed by the student and approved by the academic advisor and the ECE undergraduate committee. At least one of the courses needs to be in the ECE department.

List of CSE Restricted​ Laboratories:

  • EECE 431L, EECE 434L, and EECE 451L

List of CSE M​​ATH Electives:

  • MATH 202, MATH 210, MATH 220, MATH 224, MATH 227, MATH 241, MATH 242, MATH 251 or CMPS 251, and MATH 261.

List of Pre-Ap​​proved Technical Electives

  • Any EECE course with a number equal to or greater than 300
  • Any ENMG course with a number equal to, or greater than, 600
  • ACCT 210, 215
  • ARDS 400
  • BIOL 201, 202, 210, 223, 224, 225, 243, 244, 247, 260, 268, 290, 370
  • BMEN 501, 502, 600, 601, 603, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 798CC
  • CHEM 200, 201, 202, 206, 208, 211, 212, 215, 217, 218, 227, 228, 229
  • CHEN 490, 675
  • CIVE 460, 461, 553, 601, 602, 655, 661, 662, 663, 664, 665
  • CMPS 224, 251, 257/215, 262, 272/240, 274/232, 277/244, 281/254, 285, 286, 288, 297, 316, 350, 351, 373/323, 391, 396
  • DCSN 200, 210, 216
  • ECON 214, 215, 217, 218, 222, 223/224, 226, 227, 228, 230, 232, 235, 236, 237, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 333, 341
  • ENTM 225, 235
  • FEAA 520
  • FINA 211, 220
  • GEOL 201, 204 205, 211, 212, 213, 219, 221
  • INDE 302, 303, 412
  • MATH 210, 212, 213, 214, 220, 223, 224, 227, 234, 238, 241, 242, 251, 261, 271, 281, 303, 304, 306, 314, 315, 341, 344, 351
  • MECH 310, 314, 320, 340, 550, 631, 633, 634, 641, 642, 674
  • MKTG 210, 225
  • MNGT 218, 220, 229, 230
  • PHYL 246
  • PHYS 212, 217, 223, 225, 226, 235, 236, 249
  • PSYC 226, 229
  • Any STAT course with a number equal to or greater than 234
  • VIPP 201, 202, 301, 401

List of ​​​CSE Science Electives

  • BIOL 201(1), BIOL 202, BIOL 209, BIOL 210, CHEM 201(1), CHEM 202(1), CHEM 203, CHEM 205(1), CHEM 207(1)/211, GEOL 201(1), GEOL 203, GEOL 204, GEOL 205(1), GEOL 211, MAUD 204, PHYL 246, PHYS 210(1), PHYS 210L, PHYS 212(1), PHYS 217, PHYS 223, PHYS 228, PHYS 228L, PHYS 235, PHYS 236, PSYC 222, PSYC 224.
​​(1)​ Natural Science Course 

Electrical and Computer Engineering Program

Program Educati​onal Objectives

The objectives of the Program Educational ECE program are to graduate students who are able to:

  • Achieve their employment or post graduate educational goals and
  • Advance in their careers through leadership, life-long learning, innovation, critical thinking, integrity and civic responsibility

Program Re​​quirements

  • Mathematics: MATH 201; MATH 202; MATH 211 or CMPS 211; MATH 218 or 219; STAT 230/233; and one of MATH 210, 224, 227, MATH/CMPS 251, 261

  • Sciences: PHYS 210, PHYS 210L, CHEM 201 or 202, CHEM 203 or 205, and one additional science elective​

  • General Education Requirements:

    • 6 credits in Cultures and Histories
    • 3 credits in History of Ideas
    • 6 credits in Societies and Individuals
    • 6 credits in understanding communications (ENGL 203 and ENGL 206)
    • 3 credits in understanding communications (Arabic)
    • 3 credits Community Engaged Learning (one course should cover the theme of Social Inequalities)

  • Human Values: INDE 410

  • INDE 301: Engineering Economy

  • ECE Core Courses: FEAA 200, EECE 210, 230, 290, 310, 311, 320, 321, 330, 340, 370, 380

  • ECE Laboratories:  EECE 310L, EECE 321L, EECE 410L, two additional laboratories: one restricted laboratory and one elective laboratory

  • ECE Restricted Electives: Four restricted elective courses from the list of ECE Focus Area courses with a minimum of two courses from one area and no more than three courses from any given area.

  • Undergraduate Elective Courses: 6 credits of EECE 300 or 400 level courses

  • EECE Electives: 6 credits of EECE with a number equal to, or greater than, 300 (except EECE 312)

  • Pre- Approved Electives: 9 credits of coursework. No more than 6 credits may be taken from the same department, program or track (except EECE)

  • Approved Experience: EECE 500

  • Final Year Project: ​EECE 501 and EECE 502

The program requirements can be completed according to the following proposed schedule: 

​Term I (Fall)
FEAA 200​Introduction to Engineering and Architecture
EECE 210Electric Circuits​3
ENGL 203Academic English​3
MATH 201Calculus and Analytic Geometry III​3
PHYS 210Introductory Physics II​3
PHYS 210LIntroductory Physics Laboratory II​1
​ ​ Total 16​
​ ​ ​
​Term II (Spring)
EECE 230​Introduction to Computation and Programming
EECE 290Analog Signal Processing​3
MATH 202Differential Equations​3
MATH 218/219Linear Algebra​3
MATH/CMPS 211Discrete Structures​3
​ ​ ​Total 15
​ ​ ​
​Term III (Summer)
CHEM 201/202​Chemistry Course
CHEM 203/205Chemistry Laboratory​2
Cultures and Histories or Societies and Individuals Elective
​ ​ ​Total 8
​ ​ ​
​Term IV (Fall)
EECE 310​Electronics
EECE 310LElectric Circuits Laboratory​1
EECE 320Digital Systems Design​3
EECE 330Data Structures and Algorithms​3
EECE 370Electric Machines and Power Fundamentals​3
STAT 230/233Introduction to Probability and Random Variables​3
​ ​ Total 16​
​ ​ ​
​Term V (Spring)
EECE 311​Electronic Circuits
EECE 321Computer Organization​3
EECE 321LComputer Organization Laboratory​1
EECE 340Signals and Systems​3
EECE 380Engineering Electromagnetics​3
​Science Elective ​​3
​ ​ Total 16​
​ ​ ​
​Term VI (Summer)
ENGL 206​Technical English
ARABArabic Course​3
Cultures and Histories or Societies and Individuals Elective
​Total 9
​ ​ ​
​Term VII (Fall)
EECE 4xx​Restricted Elective
EECE 4xxRestricted Elective​3
​Community Engaged Learning
MATHMath Elective​3
INDE 301Engineering Economy​3
​ ​ ​Total 15
​ ​ ​
​Term VIII (Spring)
EECE 4xx​Restricted Elective
EECE 4xxRestricted Elective​3
EECE 3xx/4xxElective​3
EECE 410LSystem Integration Laboratory​1
INDE 410​Human Values
Cultures and Histories or Societies and Individuals Elective
​ ​ ​Total 16
​ ​ ​
Term IX (Summer)
EECE 500​Approved Experience1 b​
​ ​ ​
​Term X (Fall)
EECE 501​Final Year Project
EECE 3xx/4xx​
EECE Elective​3
EECERestricted Laboratory​1
Pre-Approved Electives
EECE or Other3
Cultures and Histories or Societies and Individuals Elective 
​ ​ ​Total 16
​ ​ ​
​Term XI (Spring)
EECE 502​Final Year Project
EECEEECE Technical Elective ​
EECEElective Laboratory​1
Two PreApproved Electives​EECE or Other​6
Cultures and Histories or Societies and Individuals Elective 
​ ​ ​Total 16
​ ​Total Credit Hours

​List of ECE Focus Area Courses

  • Area 1: Electromagnetics and RF Systems: EECE 480, 481, 482, 484, 485, 486, 487, 488
  • Area 2: Computer Hardware Systems: EECE 412, 420, 421, 422, 423, 425 
  • Area 3: Power and Energy Systems: EECE 471, 473, 474, 476 
  • Area 4: Control and Intelligence Systems: EECE 460, 461, 463 

List of EC​​​E Restricted Labs

EECE 412L, 460L, 462L, 470L, 471L, 473L, 480L​

List of Pre-Approved Tech​​nical Electives

  • Any EECE course with a number equal to, or greater than, 300 (except EECE 312)
  • Any ENMG course with a number equal to, or greater than, 600
  • ACCT 210, 215
  • ARDS 400
  • BIOL 201, 202, 210, 223, 224, 225, 243, 244, 247, 260, 268, 290, 370
  • BMEN 501, 502, 600, 601, 603, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 798CC
  • CHEM 200, 201, 202, 206, 208, 211, 212, 215, 217, 218, 227, 228, 229
  • CHEN 490, 675
  • CIVE 460, 461, 553, 601, 602, 655, 661, 662, 663, 664, 665
  • CMPS 224, 251, 257/215, 262, 272/240, 274/232, 277/244, 281/254, 285, 286, 288, 297, 316, 350, 351, 373/323, 391, 396
  • DCSN 200, 210, 216
  • ECON 214, 215, 217, 218, 222, 223/224, 226, 227, 228, 230, 232, 235, 236, 237, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 333, 341
  • ENTM 225, 235
  • FEAA 520
  • FINA 211, 220
  • GEOL 201, 204, 205, 211, 212, 213, 219, 221
  • INDE 302, 303, 412
  • MATH 210, 212, 213, 214, 220, 223, 224, 227, 234, 238, 241, 242, 251, 261, 271, 281, 303, 304, 306, 314, 315, 341, 344, 351
  • MECH 310, 314, 320, 340, 550, 631, 633, 634, 641, 642, 674
  • MKTG 210, 225
  • MNGT 218, 220, 229, 230
  • PHYL 246
  • PHYS 212, 217, 223, 225, 226, 235, 236, 249
  • PSYC 226, 229
  • Any STAT course with a number equal to, or greater than, 234
  • VIPP 201, 202, 301, 401

List of Science​​ Electives

  • BIOL 201, BIOL 202, BIOL 209, BIOL 210, CHEM 201, CHEM 207/211, GEOL 201, GEOL 204, GEOL 205, GEOL 211, MAUD 204, PHYL 246, PHYS 212, PHYS 217, PHYS 223,PHYS 235, PHYS 236, PSYC 222, PSYC 224

Track and Minor in Artificial Intelligence

The Track in Artificial Intelligence can be pursued by all ECMP/EECE students in the ECE department, and the Minor in Artificial Intelligence can be pursued by all AUB undergraduate students. Only students who have a cumulative GPA of 2.3 or more are eligible to apply for the minor. 

Track Requirements​​ (for ECMP/ EECE)

In order to satisfy the requirements of the track, a student must earn 18 credits of course work from the courses listed below.

  • EECE 490 (required)
  • EECE 693 (required)
  • One of the following PSYC courses: 220, 222, 224, 226 or 229
  • One elective from List A
  • One elective from List A or List B
  • One elective from either List A, B, or C

Elective c​​ourses:

  • List A: EECE 463, 633, 639, 664, 668, 699, CMPS 276/262, STAT 239.
  • List B: CMPS 351, EEC​E 634, EECE 641, EECE 669, EECE 692, ENMG 604, ENMG 616, MATH 234, MATH 351, MECH 691, STAT 234, STAT 235.
  • List C: EECE 331, 334, 422, 423/623, 433, 491, 603, 636, 644, 660, 661, 665, 694, 696.

At least THREE courses must be EECE courses taken in the ECE Department. At least one course from List A or List B must be an EECE course. Required EECE courses cannot be replaced by equivalent courses taken outside the Department. Track open only for ECMP and EECE majors. Track cannot be claimed together with Minor in AI in the ECE Department or Minor in Data Science in the CMPS Department.

Minor Requirements (for all AUB s​​tudents)

IIn order to satisfy the requirements of the minor, a student must earn 18 credits of course work from the courses listed below.

  • EECE 230, EECE 231 or CMPS 200/201
  • EECE 490 (required)
  • One of the following STAT courses: 201, 210, 230, or 233
  • One of the following PSYC courses: 220, 222, 224, 226 or 229
  • One elective from List A
  • One elective from List A or List B

Electiv​​​e courses:

  • List A: EECE 633, 639, 664, 668, 692, 693, 699, CMPS 276/262, MECH 642

  • List B: CMPS 200/201, CMPS 212/202, EECE 330, 433, 634, 636, 641, 663, 694, 696, MATH 234, STAT 234.

At least TWO courses must be EECE courses taken in the ECE Department. At least one course from List A or List B must be an EECE course. Required EECE courses cannot be replaced by equivalent courses taken outside the Department. Minor cannot be claimed together with the Track in AI in the ECE Department or Minor in Data Science in the CMPS Department. No more than 9 credit hours taken in the major field of study may be used to satisfy a requirement for another minor. 

Track in Control and Robotics

The ECE Track in Control and Robotics provides a coherent academic framework between the ECE and ME departments in the areas of control, instrumentation and robotics. This track supports interested undergraduate ECE and ME students in pursuing additional control system modeling and design as given in either department based on their individual preferences. This track is open to all undergraduate ECE and ME students and will be indicated, upon its completion, on the transcript of participating students.

ECE students interested in taking the Control and Robotics track must satisfy the following course requirements.

  • EECE 460 (3 cr.)
  • EECE 461 (3 cr.)
  • EECE 460L (1 cr.)
  • One elective from list A (Control)
  • One elective from list B (Robotics)
  • One elective from either list A, B or C
  • Total number of credits: 16

Electiv​e Course

  • List A- Control: EECE 660/MECH 653, EECE 662/MECH 655, EECE 663/MECH 656, EECE 665/MECH 654 and EECE 669/MECH648

  • List B- Robotics: EECE 560/MECH 530, EECE 661/MECH 641, EECE 697/MECH 646 and EECE 698/MECH 650

  • List C- Others: EECE 463/MECH 555, EECE 692/MECH642 and MECH 647

Course Descri​​ptions

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