| Maddah, Bacel |
Professors: | Maddah, Bacel; Salameh, Moueen |
Associate Professors:
| Tarhini, Hussein
Assistant Professors: | Nouiehed, Maher; Abou Ibrahim, Hisham; Zahed, Karim; Nehme,
Nabil (visiting); Olleik, Majd |
Senior Lecturers: | Abillama, Walid; Noueihed, Nazim; Saad, Youssef; Trabulsi, Samir |
Lecturers: | Abboud, Jacques; Bdeir, Fadl; Hamade, Tarek; Kalach, Mayssa;
Khraibani, Rayan; Youness, Hasan |
Instructors: | Basmadjian, Garo; Gharios, Nadim; Hosn, Majd; Jaafar, Maysaa;
Kadi, Samir; Karam, Mario; Mattar, Maurice; Sfeir, Rana
The Department of Industrial Engineering and Management offers an undergraduate degree
program leading to a Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Engineering and a minor in Engineering
Bachelor of Engineering (BE)
Major: Industrial Engineering (IE)
The Industrial Engineering Program extends over a four-year period and is offered exclusively on
a daytime, on-campus basis. The program is offered in eleven terms whereby eight terms are 16-
week Fall/Spring terms given over four years, and three terms are eight-week summer terms taken
during the first three years of the program. In the summer term of the third year (Term IX), students
are required to participate in a practical training program with a local, regional or international
organization. The entire program is equivalent to five academic years but is completed in four
calendar years with three summer terms.
Program Mission
The mission of the Industrial Engineering program is to graduate students who assume leadership
positions in the industrial engineering profession and excel in graduate education. Our graduates
are sought to be lifelong learners that contribute to the wellbeing of Lebanon and the region.
Program Educational Objectives
Graduates of the IE program will be able to:
- assume key roles in a range of industries that use industrial engineering, including
manufacturing and service.
- effectively participate in, coordinate and manage diverse teams of engineers and
analysts, especially in large-scale systems.
- pursue advanced degrees in industrial engineering and other related fields at reputable
regional and international universities.
- appreciate the importance of professional ethics and actively use their knowledge and
experience to the benefit of the community.
IE Program Learning Outcomes
Upon graduation, IE students will be able to demonstrate:
- an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering to model, optimize and evaluate integrated systems of people, technology and information.
- an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
- an ability to design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability.
- an ability to function on multidisciplinary engineering teams.
- an ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems and to develop integrated solutions to large-scale, sociotechnical problems through quantitative models.
- an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
- an ability to communicate effectively in oral and written form.
- the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental and societal context.
- recognition of the need for, and ability to engage in, lifelong learning.
- knowledge of contemporary issues.
- an ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
Program Requirements
The BE curriculum in Industrial Engineering is a four-year program (with three summers)
consisting of 143 credit hours of coursework.
The IE curriculum is supported by four pillars:
a) basic science courses, b) general education courses, c) basic business courses and d)
general engineering fundamental courses
The specific course requirements are as follows:
- Basic Science Courses: MATH 201, MATH 202, MATH 218/219, MATH 251, STAT 230,
PHYS 210, PHYS 210L, CHEM 201/202, CHEM 203, BIOL 210
- General Education Requirements: 9 credits in Cultures and Histories (including one
History of Ideas), 3 credits in Human Values, 6 credits in Societies and Individuals, 6
credits in Understanding Communication - English: ENGL 203 and ENGL 206, and 3
credits in Understanding Communication - Arabic. Students must also take a course
in Community-Engaged Learning. One elective should cover the theme of Social
- Basic Business Courses: MNGT 215, ACCT 210, MKTG 210
- Engineering Fundamentals: CIVE 210, MECH 220, MECH 230, EECE 210, EECE 230,
MECH 421
The IE courses are distributed in three core areas:
a) Operations Research, b) Engineering Management and c) Production Systems.
Term I (Fall) |
Credits |
FEAA 200 | Introduction to Engineering and Architecture | 3 |
INDE 301 | Engineering Economy | 3 |
MATH 218/219 | Linear Algebra | 3 |
MATH 201 | Calculus and Analytic Geometry III | 3 |
CIVE 210 | Statics | 3 |
Total 15 |
Term II (Spring) |
Credits |
EECE 210 | Electric Circuits | 3 |
EECE 230 | Introduction to Programming | 3 |
MATH 202 | Differential Equations | 3 |
BIOL 210 | Human Biology | 3 |
ENGL 203 | Academic English (Understanding Communication) | 3 |
MECH 220 | Engineering Graphics | 1 |
Total 16 |
Term III (Summer) |
Credits |
CHEM 201/202 | Chemistry Course | 3 |
ENGL 206
| Technical English (Understanding Communication) | 3 |
ECON 211 | Microeconomic Theory (Societies and Individuals) | 3 |
Total 9 |
Term IV (Fall) |
Credits |
INDE 302 | Operations Research I | 3 |
INDE 411 | Introduction to Project Management | 3 |
STAT 230 | Introduction to Probability and Random Variables | 3 |
PHYS 210 | Introductory Physics II | 3 |
PHYS 210L | Introductory Physics LAB II | 1 |
| Arabic Elective (Understanding Communication) | 3 |
Total 16 |
Term V (Spring) |
Credits |
INDE 303 | Operations Research II | 3 |
INDE 320 | Work Measurement and Methods Engineering | 3 |
INDE 430 | Statistical Quality Control | 3 |
MECH 230 | Dynamics | 3 |
| Cultures and Histories Elective I | 3 |
Total 15 |
Term VI (Summer) |
Credits |
MKTG 210 | Principles of Marketing | 3 |
MATH 251
| Numerical Computing | 3 |
| Societies and Individuals Elective | 3 |
Total 9 |
Term VII (Fall) |
Credits |
INDE 410 | Engineering Ethics (Human Values) | 3 |
INDE 412 | Engineering Entrepreneurship | 3 |
INDE 421 | Human Factors Engineering | 3 |
INDE 504 | Discrete Event Simulation
| 4 |
MNGT 215
| Fundamentals of Management and Organizational
Behavior | 3 |
Total 16 |
Term VIII (Spring) |
Credits |
INDE 402 | Facilities Planning and Material Handling | 3 |
INDE 431 | Production Planning and Inventory Control | 3 |
INDE 535 | Data Analytics for Operations Research and
Financial Engineering | 3 |
MECH 421 | Manufacturing Processes I | 3 |
ACCT 210
| Financial Accounting | 3 |
Total 15 |
Term IX (Summer) |
Credits |
INDE 500 | Approved Experience | 0 |
Term X (Fall) |
Credits |
INDE 501 | Final Year Project I | 3 |
INDE 513 | Information Systems | 3 |
CHEM 203 | Chemistry Lab | 2 |
| Technical Elective I | 3 |
| Cultures and Histories Elective II
| 3 |
| Community Engaged Learning
| 3
Total 17 |
Term XI (Spring) |
Credits |
INDE 502 | Final Year Project II | 3 |
| Technical Elective II | 3 |
| Technical Elective III
| 3 |
| Technical Elective IV | 3 |
| Technical Elective IVCultures and Histories Elective III | 3 |
Total 15 |
Total Credit Hours 143
The 12-credit technical electives requirement should consist of (i) 6-9 credits from the
graduate courses offered by the IEM Department, (ii) 0-3 credits from outside the IEM
Department and (iii) 3 credits from sciences.
Minor in Engineering Management
The Department of Industrial Engineering and Management offers a minor in Engineering
Management that can be pursued by undergraduate Engineering and Architecture
students, as well as by students from related majors, starting as early as the fall term of
their third year of enrollment. Only students who have a cumulative GPA of 2.3 or more are
eligible to apply for the minor. To satisfy the requirements of this minor, a student (GPA:
2.3 or more) must earn 18 credits of coursework from the IEM Department course offerings
as follows:
- 9 credits from the undergraduate (Industrial Engineering) courses offered by the IEM
Department, which must include INDE 301 Engineering Economy.
- 9 credits from either the undergraduate or the graduate (Engineering Management)
courses offered by the IEM Department.
- A minimum grade of C+ is required for a course to be counted toward the fulfillment of
a minor in Engineering Management. Additionally, a cumulative average of B (GPA 3.0)
or above in all minor courses is required.
Course Description