American University of Beirut

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Lakkis, Issam
Asmar, Daniel Ghaddar, Nesreen; Lakkis, Issam, Moukalled, Fadl; Shihadeh, Alan 
Professor Emeritus:Sakkal, Fateh
Associate Professors:Mustapha, Samir; Oweis, Ghanem; Shammas, Elie 
Assistant Professors:Abou Jaoude, Dany; Harb, Mohammad; Honein, Theresa; Kaddouh, Bilal
Assistant Research Professor:Talih, Soha
Instructors:Al Saidi, Abdul-Kader; Balhas, Zainab; Fayad, Rami; Kassis, Lina; Kfoury, Elie

The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers one undergraduate degree program that leads to a Bachelor of Engineering with a major in Mechanical Engineering (BE in ME) and a minor in Applied Energy.

Bachelor of Engineering (BE)

Major: Mechani​​cal Engineering

The Mechanical Engineering Program extends over a four-year period and is offered exclusively on a daytime, on-campus basis. The program is offered in 11 terms whereby eight terms are 16-week Fall/Spring terms given over four years, and three terms are eight-week summer terms taken during the first three years of the program. In the summer term of the third year (Term IX), students are required to participate in a practical training program with a local, regional or international organization. The entire program is equivalent to five academic years but is completed in four calendar years with three summer terms.

The undergraduate program also provides students with options to pursue minors in the following:

  • Applied Energy Minor
  • Other minors offered by the Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Faculty of Arts and Sciences and the Suliman S. Olayan School of Business

Progra​​m Mission

The Mechanical Engineering faculty has agreed that the undergraduate program mission is as follows:

The undergraduate program in Mechanical Engineering seeks to empower students to pursue successful careers and to create a learning environment in which they can develop their creative and critical thinking skills, grow into lifelong learners in light of ever-increasing challenges of modern technology, and commit to the ethical and professional responsibilities required in their calling at the global level while focusing on the needs of Lebanon and the region.

Program Education​​​al Objectives​

The program is based on the following educational objectives that were approved by the Mechanical Engineering faculty members on May 27, 2010:

Our graduates will be able to advance successfully in their careers as reflected in continued employment, job satisfaction, leadership responsibilities and professional recognition.

Our graduates will be able to succeed in graduate studies as reflected in admission to highly ranked programs, timely completion of degree requirements and recognition by competitive fellowships and other awards.

Program Re​​quirements

The undergraduate curriculum for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (BE), major: Mechanical Engineering is a five-year program. It consists of 173 term credit hours of coursework of which 30 credits are completed in the freshman year while the student is enrolled in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and 143 credits are completed in four years while the student is enrolled in the Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture. Students admitted at the sophomore level will be required to complete 143 credits in four years to earn the degree as outlined here:

  • General Engineering: FEAA 200, CIVE 210, EECE 210, EECE 230, EECE 312, EECE 312L, INDE 301

  • Mathematics: MATH 201, MATH 202, MATH 212, MATH 218, MATH 251, STAT 230

  • Sciences: PHYS 211, PHYS 211L, CHEM 202, and one biology elective (BIOL 201 level or above, except BIOL 209)

  • General Education: Arabic course, ENGL 203 and ENGL 206, two social sciences courses, three humanities courses and a course on ethics approved for the GE program

  • ME Core Courses: MECH 201, MECH 230, MECH 310, MECH 314, MECH 320, MECH 332, MECH 340, MECH 341, MECH 410L, MECH 412, MECH 414, MECH 420, MECH 421, MECH 430, MECH 432, MECH 436, MECH 510 and MECH 525​

  • Technical Electives: Five courses with at least three from the selected ME track. One elective can be from outside the major and one free elective (such as engineering, math, economics, business or science). To complete the new GE requirements, a student may opt to take his free elective as HEHI 201 (Foundations of Humanitarian Engineering and Public Health Innovations); or complete an UG research (MECH 499) related to the topic (by approved petition); or do an FYP project related to humanitarian Engineering (by approved petition).

  • Approved Experience: MECH 500

  • Final Year Project: MECH 501 and MECH 502


​Term I (Fall)
MATH 201​Calculus and Analytic Geometry III
FEAA 200Introduction to Engineering and Architecture​3
EECE 230 Intro to Computation and Programming​3
CIVE 210Statics​3
PHYS 211Electricity and Magnetism​3
PHYS 211LElectricity and Magnetism Laboratory​1
​ ​ ​Total 16
​ ​ ​
​Term II (Spring)
EECE 210​Electric Circuits
MECH 201Computer Aided Drawing and Design (CADD)​3
MATH 202Differential Equations​3
MECH 230Dynamics​3
ENGL 203Academic English​3
​ ​ ​Total 15
​ ​ ​
Term III (Summer)
STAT 230​Introduction to Probability and Random Variables
CHEM 202Introduction to Environmental Chemistry​3
ENGL 206Technical English​3
​ ​ ​Total 9
​ ​ ​
​Term IV (Fall)
EECE 312​Electronics
EECE 312LCircuits and Electronics Lab​1
MATH 212Introductory Partial Differential Equations​3
MECH 310Thermodynamics I​3
MECH 340Engineering Materials​3
​Cultures and Histories (History of Ideas) ​3
​ ​ Total 16​
​ ​ ​
​Term V (Spring)
MATH 218​Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications
MECH 314Introduction to Fluid Mechanics​3
MECH 320Mechanics of Materials​3
MECH 332Mechanics of Machines​3
MECH 341Materials Lab​1
MECH 430Process Instrumentation and Measurements​3
​ ​ ​Total 16
​ ​ ​
​Term VI (Summer)
MECH 432​Dynamics System Analysis​2
Biology Elective​3
Arabic Elective​3
​ ​ ​Total 8
​ ​ ​
​Term VII (Fall)
MATH 251​Numerical Computing 
MECH 410L​Thermal Fluid Laboratory 
MECH 414​Thermodynamics II 
MECH 420​Mechanical Design I 
MECH 421​Manufacturing Processes I ​
Societies and Individuals Elective 
​ ​ ​Total 16
​ ​ ​
​Term VIII (Spring)
INDE 301​Engineering Economy
MECH 412Heat Transfer​3
MECH 436Control Systems​3
MECH 525Product Design and Development​3
Societies and Individuals Elective
​ ​ ​Total 15
​ ​ ​
​Term IX (Summer)
MECH 500​Approved Experience0cr / 1 billing
​ ​ ​Total 0
​ ​
​Term X (Fall)
MECH 501​Final Year Project
MECH 510Design of Thermal Systems​3
Approved Human Values Course
Technical Elective I​3
Technical Elective II​3
Cultures and Histories Elective
​Total 16
​ ​ ​
​Term XI (Spring)
MECH 502​Final Year Project II4​
​Technical Elective III
Technical Elective IV​3
Technical Elective V​3
Cultures and Histories Elective​​
​ ​
Total 16

List of Pre-Ap​​proved Technical Electives

  • Engineering Electives​: BMEN: 600, 602, 604, 605, 606, 609, 610, 611. CHEN: 531, 611, 614, 615, 619, 672, 673, 675, 798A. CIVE: 421, 451, 460, 552, 555, 602, 603, 610, 648, 655, 658, 659, 670. FEAA: 502. INDE: 412, 513, 533.​

  • Science Electives​BIOL: 201, 202, 210, 223, 244, 246, 250, 260, 268. CHEM: 206, 208, 211, 212, 217, 218, 228, 233, 234. MATH: 210, 219, 223, 224, 225, 227, 233, 241, 261, 271, 303, 304, 305, 306, 314, 341, 350, 351, 358. PHYS: 216, 217, 220, 222, 223, 225, 226, 228, 235, 236, 237, 249, 301, 302, 303, 305, 306, 307.

  • Other Electives: CMPS:  257, 272, 274, 277, 281, 285, 286, 287, 288, 350, 368, 372, 373. DCSN: 200, 210. ECON: 214, 215, 217, 218, 222, 223, 226, 227, 228, 230, 232, 235, 236, 237, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243. ENMT: 225, 235. GEOL: 202, 205, 211, 226, 227. ENST: 320, 396. MNGT: 215, 218, 220, 226, 229, 230. STAT: Any course with a number equal to or greater than 234.

Mechanical Engineering Optional Tracks

The core courses in the Mechanical Engineering Program are offered in the following track areas:

  • Thermal and Fluid Engineering
  • Mechatronics
  • Design, Materials and Manufacturing

The student may opt for any track (Thermal and Fluid Engineering; Mechatronics; or Design, Materials and Manufacturing) by taking at least three technical electives in the selected track. Normally one technical elective is allowed from outside the mechanical engineering major.

The ME focus area in Control and Robotics provides a coherent academic framework between the ECE and ME departments in the areas of control, instrumentation and robotics. This track is open to all undergraduate ME and ECE students.

​Track I: Thermal and Fluid Engineering ​ ​Credits
​MECH 310
​Thermodynamics I
MECH 314/
CHEN 311
Introduction to Fluids Engineering​3
MECH 414Thermodynamics II​3
MECH 410LThermal/Fluid Systems Laboratory​1
MECH 412Heat Transfer​3
MECH 501Final Year Project I and​1
MECH 502Final Year Project II​4
MECH 510Design of Thermal Systems​3
​ ​ ​
Technical Elective Courses
(at least three technical electives are selected)
​MECH 511
​Intermediate Fluid Mechanics
​MECH 512Internal Combustion Engines​3
MECH 513Air Conditioning​3
MECH 514Gas Turbines​3
MECH 515Steam Turbines​3
MECH 516Aerodynamics​3
MECH 603Solar Energy​3
MECH 604Refrigeration​3
MECH 606Aerosol Dynamics​3
MECH 607Micro Flows Fundamentals and Applications​3
​MECH 609
​Experimental Fluid Dynamics
​MECH 663
​Computational Fluid Dynamics
​MECH 671
​Renewable Energy Potential, Technology and Utilization in Buildings
​MECH 672
​Modeling Energy Systems
​MECH 673
​Energy Efficient Building with Good Indoor Air Quality
​MECH 677
​Heat Pumps
​MECH 678
​Solar Electricity
​MECH 679
​Energy Audit Lab
​MECH 680
​HVAC and Refrigeration Systems Lab
​MECH 682
​Principles of Integrative Building design, construction and operation for sustainability
​MECH 683
​Wind Turbines: Design and Applications
​ ​ ​
Track II: Design, Materials and ManufacturingCredits
​CIVE 210
MECH 201Computer Aided Drawing and Design (CADD)​3
MECH 320Mechanics of Materials​3
MECH 332Mechanics of Machines​3
MECH 340Engineering Materials​3
MECH 341LMaterials Lab​1
MECH 420Mechanical Design I​3
MECH 421Manufacturing Processes I​3​​
​MECH 501
​Final Year Project I
MECH 502Final Year Project II​4
MECH 525Product Design and Development​3
​ ​ ​
Technical Elective Courses
(at least three technical electives are selected)
​MECH 520
​Mechanical Design II
MECH 521Manufacturing Processes II​3
MECH 522Mechanical CAD/CAE/CAM​3
MECH 540Selection of Properties of Materials​3
MECH 550Computer Applications in Mechanical Engineering​3
MECH 615Continuum Mechanics​3
MECH 617Smart Materials and Structures​3
MECH 622Modeling of Machining Processes and Machines​3
MECH 624Mechanics of Composite Materials​3
MECH 625Fatigue of Materials​3
MECH 626Metals and Their Properties​3
MECH 627Polymers and Their Properties​3
MECH 628Design of Mechanisms​3
MECH 630Finite Element Methods in Mechanical Engineering​3
MECH 633Biomechanics​3
MECH 634Biomaterials and Medical Devices​3
​MECH 638
​Materials Selection and Design
​ ​ ​
​Track III: Mechatronics ​ Credits
​MECH 230
EECE 210Electric Circuits​3
EECE 312Electronics (for Mechanical Engineering students)​3
EECE 312LCircuits and Electronics Lab​1
MECH 430Instrumentation and Measurements​3
MECH 436Control Systems​3
MECH 501Final Year Project I and​1
MECH 502Final Year Project II​4
​ ​ ​
Technical Elective Courses
(at least three technical electives are selected)
​MECH 530
​Mechatronics System Design
MECH 531Mechanical Vibrations​3
MECH 628Design of Mechanisms​3
MECH 631Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems [MEMS]​3
MECH 634Biomaterials and Medical Devices​3
MECH 641Robotics​3
MECH 642Computer Vision​3
MECH 643Mechatronics and Intelligent Machines Eng. II​3
MECH 644​Modal Analysis​3
MECH 645​Noise and Vibration Control​3
​MECH 648
​Nonlinear Systems: Analysis, Stability and Control
MECH 653​Systems Analysis and Design​3
​MECH 654
​Adaptive Control​3
​MECH 655
​Optimal Control 
​MECH 656
​System Identification
​MECH 650
​Autonomous Mobile Robotics

ME Focus Area in Control and Robotics

Students choosing to enroll in the Control and Robotics Focus (CRF) area should satisfy the following course requirements:

Two core courses and one laboratory in their respective departments (listed in the table below)​

​Core Courses Electronics  ​
MECH 430 Process Instrumentation and Measurements 3
MECH 432 Dynamic System Analysis 2
MECH 436 Control Systems3

Three elective courses from either department (ECE/ME) (listed in the tables below) provided they obtain the necessary prerequisites for any given course. At least one course from each of lists A (Control Theory) and B (Robotics) must be chosen, and one elective from either list A, B or C.

​Technical Elective Courses (List A: Control) ​Credits
​MECH 648/
EECE 669
​Nonlinear Systems: Analysis, Stability and Control
MECH 653/
EECE 660
System Analysis and Design​3
MECH 655/
EECE 662
Optimal Control​3
MECH 656/
EECE 663
System Identification​3
MECH 654/ EECE 665Adaptive Control​3
MECH 657Vehicle Dynamics and Control​3
​ ​ ​
​Technical Elective Courses (List B: Robotics) ​ Credits
​MECH 530/
EECE 530
MECH 641/
EECE 661
MECH 646/
EECE 697
Wheeled Mobile Robotics​3
MECH 650/
EECE 698
Autonomous Mobile Robotics​3
​ ​
Technical Elective Courses (List C) Credits
​MECH 555/
EECE 463
​Artificial Intelligence for Control Systems

MECH 642/
EECE 692
Computer Vision​3
MECH 647/
EECE 699
Hydraulic Servo Systems​3
​MECH 691
​Convex Optimization​

​Minor in Appli​​​ed Energy

The minor in Applied Energy is open to all MSFEA students who are interested in the energy domain and in renewable energy applications. Students seeking professional careers that will focus on energy, the environment, sustainable applications in buildings and energy systems may find this minor attractive. The minor in applied energy is administered by the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Students who have completed at least 60 credits at the sophomore level and higher and who have a cumulative GPA of 2.3 or more may apply by completing a minor application. The minor will be indicated on the transcript of the student who completes all the requirements described below. A minimum grade of C+ is required for a course to count toward the fulfillment of the minor.

Applied Ener​​gy Minor Program Structure

A student wishing to complete the minor is required to complete a minimum of 18 credits: 6 credits from the list of core courses and 12 credits from the list of elective courses.

The first are two core courses (6 credits) that provide a foundation for the understanding of energy science and technology and its economy.

The second component is a number of elective courses (12 credits), selected by the student in close consultation with her/his academic advisor for the applied energy minor.

Required Courses ​​​(6 credits)

  • MECH 671 Renewable Energy Potential, Technology and Utilization in Buildings 3 cr., or EECE 675 Renewable Energy Systems 3 cr., or ENST 300 The Science and Technology of Energy 3 cr.
  • ECON 333 Energy Economics and Policy 3 cr. 

Elective Courses (Minimum o​​​f 12 credits)

​CHEN 417
​Reactor Engineering and Reactor Design
​3 cr.
CHEN 470Chemical Process Design​3 cr.
CHEN 471Chemical Product Design​3 cr.
CHEN 541Biochemical and Bioprocess Engineering​3 cr.
CHEN 570Process Synthesis and Optimization​3 cr.
CHEN 612Desalination​3 cr.
EECE 670​Power System Planning
​3 cr.
EECE 671Environmental Aspects of Energy Systems​3 cr.
EECE 672Energy Planning and Policy​3 cr.
EECE 675Renewable Energy Systems​3 cr.
ENST 320Energy Laws and Case Studies​3 cr.
MECH 513Air Conditioning​3 cr.
MECH 603Solar Energy​3 cr.
MECH 631Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems​3 cr.
MECH 670
​Laboratory for Renewable Energy in Buildings
​3 cr.
MECH 672Modeling Energy Systems​3 cr.
MECH 673Energy Efficient Building with Good Indoor Air Quality​3 cr.
MECH 676Passive Building Design​3 cr.
MECH 677Heat Pumps​3 cr.
​MECH 678
​Solar Electricity
​3 cr.
MECH 679Energy Audit Lab​3 cr.
MECH 681Green Building Basics and LEED Practices​3 cr.
​MECH 683
​Wind Turbines: Design and Applications
​3 cr.

Minor in Integrated Product Design

Integrated Product Design is an interdisciplinary minor, located at the intersection of design, engineering, business, art, humanities, and social sciences. The minor in integrated product design is open to all AUB students who are interested in expanding their knowledge of design and obtaining a deeper understanding of the design process of goods, systems, and services from research and conceptualization, to design development and prototyping, and to marketing and branding. It is a minor for students who are inspired to become social entrepreneurs to design and develop products that can be implemented and scaled to trigger positive systemic change. Through the minor, students are exposed to a range of design skills and methods, from visualization of ideas to creative problemsolving, and transformative design thinking. They also learn to work with multidisciplinary teams on hands-on projects and in a studio environment.

Students must earn 18 credits to satisfy the requirements for the minor in integrated product design. These are distributed as follows:

  1. 6 credits of foundational design skills. Students must select 3 credits in basic design methods courses and 3 credits in visualization courses (see list 1).
  2. 6 credits of core product design and development. Students must select 6 credits in product design courses (see list 2).
  3. 6 credits of thematic field electives. Students must select 6 credits in two of the thematic areas A, B, C, and D (see list 3).

Students will follow AUB’s regulations while pursuing the minor. University minimum requirements for a minor are as follows:

  • A minimum of 15 credit hours earned on the basis of regular graded courses (not tutorial or special project type courses) is required for a minor (refer to the requirements of each faculty/school).
  • At least 9 credit hours of coursework must be completed at AUB.
  • Each minor must have at least 6 credits exclusive to it, 9 credits may be common with the program requirements of the major field(s) of study.
  • Minor courses may not be taken on a pass/fail basis at AUB.

List 1: Foundational courses with a focus on basic design, visualization, and prototyping. The student should take 6 credits from this list.​

​ENMG 664 
​Introduction to Human-Centered Design
​3 cr.
​ARCH 100
​Basic Design
6 cr.
​MECH 201
Computer-Aided Drawing and Design (CADD)​​3 cr.
​MECH 421
Manufacturing Processes I
Pre-requisites: MECH 320, MECH 340
​3 cr.
​MECH 522
Mechanical CAD/CAE/CAM
Pre-requisites: MECH 320, MECH 420 and MECH 432
​3 cr.
​ARCH 111
Drawing I
​3 cr.
​ARCH 112
Drawing II
Pre-requisite: ARCH 111
​3 cr.
​ARCH 313
Digital Tools
Pre-requisite: ARCH 112
​3 cr.
​GRDS 111
​3 cr.
​GRDS 141
​Computer Graphics
​3 cr.

List 2: Core courses with a focus on product design and development. The student should take 6 credits from this list.​

​MECH 525
​Product Design and Development
Pre-requisites: MECH 332, MECH 420
​3 cr.
​MECH 510
​Design of Thermal Systems
Pre-requisites: MECH 410L, MECH 412 and MATH 251
​3 cr.
​ARDS 400
​Systems Thinking
Pre-requisite: ENMG 698E
​3 cr.
​ENMG 663
​Product Design and Development
​3 cr.
​BMEN 501
​Bioengineering Design Fundamentals
​3 cr.
​CHEN 571
​Chemical Product Design
Pre-requisite: CHEM 470
​3 cr.
​GRDS 305
​Graphic Design V
Pre-requisite: GRDS 304
​6 cr.
​MECH 502, EECE 502, INDE 502, CHEN 502, CIVE 402
​Approval of advisor
​3 cr.

List 3: Field electives. The student must take 6 cr. From at least two categories (A-D) 

Category A

​INDE 412
​Engineering Entrepreneurship
​3 cr.
​ARCH 068
​Design Innovation and Entrepreneurship
​3 cr.
​ENMG 654
​Technology-Based Entrepreneurship
​3 cr.
​ENMG 655
​Management of Technology
​3 cr.
​ENMG 656
​Management of Technological Innovations​
​3 cr.
​MKTG 312
​Consumer Behavior
Pre-requisite: MKTG 306
​3 cr.
​MKTG 311
​Applied Market Research 
​3 cr.
​DCSN 310
​Operations and Process Management
​3 cr.
​DCSN 340
​Supply Chain Management
Pre-requisite: DCSN 310
3 cr.​
​EMBA 521
​Digital Marketing
​3 cr.
​ENTM 320
​Social Entrepreneurship
​3 cr.
​ENTM 220
​Entrepreneurship and Business Planning
​3 cr.
​INFO 220/
MKTG 220
​Electronic Marketing
Pre-requisites: MKTG 210, INFO 200
​3 cr.
​FINA 211
​Introduction to Finance for Engineers Pre-requisite: ACCT 210
​3 cr.
​INFO 227/
MKTG 227
Social Media in Digital Management

Pre-requisite: MKTG 210, Permission of the instructor for non-OSB students
​3 cr.
​ENTM 230
​Decision-Making Skills for Entrepreneurs
Pre-requisite: MNGT 215
​3 cr.
​MKTG 234 
​Marketing for Social Change

Pre-requisite: MKTG 210 (or equivalent). Permission of instructor for non-OSB students 
​3 cr.​
​ENTM 270
​Launching a New Venture
Pre-requisite: MNGT 215, FINA 210​
​3 cr.

Category B

​MECH 617
​Smart materials and structures 
​3 cr.
​MECH 631 
​Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)
Pre-requisite: MECH 430
​3 cr.
​MECH 632
​Structural health monitoring
Pre-requisites: MECH 320, MECH 430
​3 cr.
​MECH 798C
​Sustainable Materials
​3 cr.
​MECH 634/
BMEN 608
​Biomaterial and Medical Devices
Pre-requisite: MECH 340 or consent of instructor
​3 cr.
​ARCH 040
​“Making It”: Models and Prototypes of Complex Structures
​3 cr.
​ARCH 060
​Algorithm and Iteration
​3 cr.
​ARCH 063
​Do It, Then Fix It As You Go
​3 cr.
​ARCH 069
​New Territories
​3 cr.
​GRDS 040
​3D Animation
​3 cr.
​GRDS 043
​Advanced Digital Animation
​3 cr.
​EECE 625/425
​Embedded and IOT Systems Pre-requisite: EECE 321
​3 cr.
​EECE 652
​Web Server Design and Programming
​3 cr.
​EECE 680
​Antennas for Wireless Communications
Pre-requisite: EECE 380
​3 cr.
​EECE 684
​Microwave Engineering
​3 cr.
​EECE 487/687
​Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuit (RFIC) Design
Pre-requisites: EECE 380, EECE 311
​3 cr.
​EECE 685
​Radio Frequency (RF) Circuits Design
Pre-requisites: ECE 311, EECE 340, EECE 380
​3 cr.
EECE 686​​Radio-Frequency (RF) Transceiver Design
Pre-requisites: EECE 311, EECE 380
​3 cr.
​EECE 687/487
​Radio-Frequency Integrated Circuit (RFIC) Design
Pre-requisites: EECE 380, EECE 311
​3 cr.
​EECE 697/
MECH 646
​Wheeled Mobile Robotics
​3 cr.
​EECE 698/
MECH 650
​Autonomous Mobile Robotics
Pre-requisites: EECE 230, EECE 312, and MECH 436; or EECE 230 and EECE 460
​3 cr.
​CHEN 619
​Sustainability Science: Human and Environment Interaction
​3 cr.

​​Category C​

​GRDS 062​​

​Brand Inc.
​3 cr.
​MKTG 225
​Strategic Brand Management

Pre-requisites: MKTG 210. Students cannot receive credit for both SOAN 231 and MKTG 225 or both SOAN 235 and MKTG 225​
​3 cr.
​MKTG 210
​Principles of Marketing
Co-requisite ENGL 204
​3 cr.

​​Category D

​GRDS 033
​Pre-Brand: A History of Identity Design
​3 cr.
​GRDS 331
​Introduction to Visual Theory
​3 cr.

​Course Descriptions

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