American University of Beirut

Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences (NFSC) Undergraduate Program

Obeid, Omar
Abiad, Mohammad; Hwalla, Nahla; Kharroubi, Samer (Associate Dean of Student Affairs); Nasreddine, Lara; Obeid, Omar; Olabi, Ammar; Toufeili, Imad
​Adjunct Professor:
Naja, Farah
Adjunct Associate Professors:
Jomaa, Lamis
Assistant​ Professor:
Fares, Elie Jacques; Iskandar, Christelle​
Assistant Professor of Practice:
Chamieh, Marie Claire
Visiting Assistant Professor:
Ouaijan, Krystel
​Assistant Research Professor: 
​Dr. Carla Habib Mourad​
Daroub, Hamza; Hamzeh, Reem; Hjeij, Laura

Undergraduate Program

The mission of the Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences is to produce qualified graduates capable of serving the region in various areas of food science, nutrition and dietetics. The department participates in offering courses within the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences (FAFS) undergraduate core program and additionally offers junior and senior courses that cover areas of major importance in food science, nutrition and dietetics. The department offers two three-year programs, one leading to a BS degree in Nutrition and Dietetics (NTDT) and the other leading to a BS degree in Food Science and Management. Graduates wishing to qualify as licensed dietitians should complete an internship for a minimum of six months in a recognized medical setting.

Moreover, the department offers a four-year Nutrition and Dietetics Program (NDCP), which combines didactic and supervised practice components. The program is U.S. accredited under the International Dietitian Education program standards. It has also been granted candidacy for accreditation status by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, (120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2000, Chicago, IL 60606-6995, (312) 899-0040 ext. 5400.

Students who intend ultimately to enter the Faculty of Medicine must complete the premedical requirements as outlined in the AUB catalogue, Faculty of Arts and Sciences section titled Premedical Study. Graduates of these programs do not receive the Diploma of Ingénieur Agricole. The following courses are offered by the department:

Core Courses for the BS Degree in Nutrition and Diet​etics

Core Courses for the BS Degree in​ Nutrition and Dietetics Coordinated Program (NDCP)

Core Courses for the BS Degree in Foo​​​d Science and Management (FSMT)

Core Course for the BS Degree i​​n Agribusiness

Elective Course neither for Nutrition and Dietetics nor for Food Science an​d Management​

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