American University of Beirut

Department of Psychology

Dietrich, Arne
Professors: Dietrich, Arne
Assistant: Agopian, Sarine; Ayoub, Mona; Badaan, Vivienne; Bosqui, Tania; Ismail, Ghena; Saadeh, Sabine
Lecturers: Awaida, May A.K.; Fisher, Jennifer; Ouweidat, Hala
Instructors:Bassil, Margaret; Majzoub, Hana 
Professor Emeritus:Kazarian, Shahe​

The Department of Psychology offers programs leading to a BA degree in psychology and to an MA degree in psychology.

BA in Psychology

Mission ​​Statement

The discipline of psychology is dedicated to increasing the scientific understanding of behavior and mental processes at the intrapersonal, interpersonal and group level, and to the application of that understanding to enhance the functioning of individuals, groups, and society. In line with this mission, the undergraduate program in Psychology has a threefold mission: to advance and transmit knowledge related to the nature of psychological processes and functioning, to provide a strong foundation in the basic knowledge and skills necessary for research in psychology, and to sensitize students to the applications of psychology in the wider community. This mission embodies the main elements of AUB’s mission, which are to foster freedom of thought, respect for diversity, critical thinking, personal integrity, and civic engagement.

Requirements for a BA degre​​​e in Psychology

Admission to the Psychology program requires a grade of B or more in PSYC 101 or PSYC 201, a minimum grade of B in ENGL 204, and an overall average above 3.0 for transfers. Meeting the minimum requirements for joining the Psychology Department does not guarantee acceptance. Transfer to Psychology from other departments within the university is academically competitive and requires departmental approval. Students admitted as sophomores directly into the program must score a B in PSYC 201 and ENGL 204 as well as maintain a minimum average of 2.3 in their psychology courses by the end of their third regular term at AUB. Students seeking to be readmitted to the program after being dropped must meet transfer requirements. For purposes of meeting departmental admission requirements, students are not permitted to take PSYC 101 or PSYC 201 more than twice. While completing PSYC 101 qualifies a student to meet one of the admission requirements to the major, 100 level courses will not be counted towards a major requirement. Prospective majors who obtain a grade below D in PSYC 101 or PSYC 201 will not be permitted to take the course a second time for the purpose of meeting the departmental admission requirements. Requirements for majors include PSYC 101 or PSYC 201, PSYC 280, PSYC 282, PSYC 284, and PSYC 288. In addition to these required courses, the student must select nine courses from the following categories: Category 1 (3 out of 5 are required, but all can be taken for credit)(9): PSYC 210(3), PSYC 212(3), PSYC 214(3), PSYC 215(3), and PSYC 216(3); Category 2 (3 out of 5 are required, but all can be taken for credit)(9): PSYC 220(3), PSYC 222(3), PSYC 224(3), PSYC 226(3), and PSYC 229(3); Category 3 (the remainder are 9): PSYC 230(3), PSYC 232(3), PSYC 234(3), PSYC 235(3), PSYC 236(3), PSYC 237(3), PSYC 238(3), PSYC 239(3), PSYC 240(3), PSYC 290(3), and any course in Category 1 and 2 that has not already been chosen.

In addition to these required courses, the student must complete 3 credits in Quantitative Thought numbered 200 or above. Also required are 6 credits in Natural Sciences. A biology course is recommended.

The requirements for a BA degree in Psychology are 90 credits for students entering the department at the sophomore level, including 42 credits in the major. The distribution of university requirements is as follows:

University General Education ​​Requirements

The General Education requirements are Understanding Communication - English (6 credits), Understanding Communication - Arabic (3 credits), Cultures and Histories (9 credits), Human Values (3 credits), Societies and Individuals (6 credits), Understanding the World and Quantitative Reasoning (9 credits with at least 3 credits from each), and Community Engaged Learning (3 credits).

At least one of the courses from Cultures and Histories or Human Values should be from the History of Ideas: CHLA. At least one course from your degree requirements (except Understanding Communication) should cover the theme of Social Inequalities (3 credits). Also note that the Societies and Individuals must be an approved General Education course from outside the major.

A minor in psychology requires 15 credits: PSYC 201, PSYC 280, and three electives from PSYC 210–240. A minimum cumulative average of 2.7 is required.

A cognitive science minor (suspended as of Fall 2020-21) requires 18 credits: PSYC 237 is required. PSYC 237 cannot be counted as a psychology course for the purpose of this requirement. The remaining 15 credits must be chosen from the following courses: BIOL 240, 243, 244, CMPS 201, 211, 261, 262, EDUC 215, 221, ENGL 227, 228, 232, 284, 294, PHIL 211, 220, 221, 222, 223, 257 or 258 (but not both), PSYC 210, 222, 224, 226, 229, 280, on condition that the 15 credits chosen span at least three disciplines. A student may choose a special topics course not listed above (e.g., 290 course codes), provided the topic is within the purview of cognitive science, upon approval of the course coordinator. For single major students, only 3 credits of the 15 credits taken for the minor may count toward the major.

For double major students, 6 credits taken for the minor may count toward the majors, with no more than 3 credits per major. Students are encouraged to take PSYC 237 early in the minor.​

Course Des​​criptions

42 Credits in PSYC

Modes of Analysis
​Understanding Communication - English and Arabic(9)
​Cultures and Histories (9), Human Values (3)
​Societies and Individuals (42)
​Understanding the World, Quantitative Reasoning (9:3/6+3/6)​
Societies and Individuals outside the major (3)
Community Engaged Learning (3),
​Lecture Courses (9+12 +42+6+ 3+3+3)
​Required Arabic course (3)

Required English courses: ENGL 203(3), 204(3)
​Required credits in the Cultures and Histories: 9 credits including History of Ideas and 3 credits Human Values​
​Required PSYC courses (15): PSYC 101(3) or PSYC 201(3), 280(3), 282(3), 284(3), 288(3) and nine courses from the following three categories (24):

Category 1 (3 out of 5 are required (9): PSYC 210(3), 212(3), 214(3), 215(3), 216(3); Category 2 (3 out of 5 are required (9): 220(3), 222(3), 224(3), 226(3), 228(3and PSYC 229 (3); Category 3 (three electives) (6): PSYC 230(3), 232(3), 234(3), 236(3), 240(3), and 290(3), and courses in Category 1 and 2 not already chosen.
Two Understanding the World courses (3) numbered 200 and above. (A BIOL course is recommended.) Required: STAT 201 or STAT 203 or STAT 210 or STAT 231
​Required: (3)
​Required course (3)
​Seminar (3)
​Required (3): PSYC 288(3)
​Laboratory (6)
​Required (3): PSYC 282(3), 284(3)
​Research Project (3)
​Required (3): PSYC 212(3), 214(3), 216(3), 226(3), 220(3), 232(3), 240(3), 282(3), 284(3), 290(3)

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