American University of Beirut

The Scholars In HeAlth Research Program (SHARP) Celebrates the Graduation of the 12th Summer Diploma Cohort

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Office of Communications,​

Another cohort of the best and brightest ambassadors perpetuating SHARP's legacy globally consisted of 26 outstanding SHARP summer graduates, two from the MENA PAIR (injury diploma trainees) program, 23 Lebanese, two Syrians, and one Palestinian, 17 Med IV at AUB, six 2024 MD grads, one research fellow, one third year ortho resident, and one PhD computational neurosciences.

The graduates presented seven large data sets capstone group projects in the morning, and joined faculty and staff in the afternoon for a most uplifting SHARP summer graduation ceremony. The projects illustrated their SHARP transformative experience, and the solid skillsets acquired during the intense SHARP summer diploma experience.​

As promised by SHARP program director, Dr. Ghada El-Hajj Fuleihan, "they studied SHARP, ate SHARP, slept SHARP, and dreamt SHARP, and produced outstanding SHARP projects both in ethics and large datasets." The graduation was attended by Associate Provost Fida Afiouni, FHS Dean Abla Sibai, SHARP Program Director Ghada El-Hajj Fuleihan, SHARP Associate Program Director Hani Tamim, and virtually by the guest speaker for this cohort, Dr. Maha Reda Farhat, Harvard Medical School, who all addressed the graduating cohort.

The ceremony was also attended by Chief Innovation and Transformation Officer Yousif Asfour, Patrick Fitzgerald, SHARP faculty and executive committee members—Dr. Rami Mahfouz, Dr. Monique Chaya, Dr. Zeina Kanafani, Dr. Marlene Chakhtoura, Dr. Ghina Mumtaz, and Dr. Ola El-Zein—as well as families, and friends, and past  SHARP graduates.

Mohammad Al Mir addressed the graduating SHARP 2024 summer diploma cohort, and the program also included a preview of the winning SHARP Ethics project , the dedication of certificates of recognition to SHARP faculty and staff who reached the ten-year and the five-year milestones of commitment to SHARP, and the delivery of SHARP diplomas  co-signed by FM and FHS deans, as well as the SHARP program director and associate program director.

A reception followed, where graduates mingled sharing endearing SHARP memories and experiences with families, SHARP faculty. and staff.

Associate Provost Fida Afiouni said, “Whether you are a medical student, medical doctor, PhD candidate, research fellow, or resident, I find your commitment to improving healthcare outcomes to be inspiring. What I also like about this program is the diversity and resilience among you." 

Professor Afiouni expressed her admiration to the graduates for enrolling in SHARP despite their busy schedules, commending their dedication to serving others. She encouraged them to maintain the spirit of service and excellence in all they do. (full spee​ch)

Dean Abla Sibai said: “What makes this program so exceptional with resounding success? Stellar faculty, dedicated staff, a strong curriculum, a great reputation, and an outstanding legacy spanning over the past 13 years. But, above all, it is you, it is you, your remarkable determination, passion that has fueled you and us every day and to the very end." (full speech)

SHARP Program Director Ghada El-Hajj Fuleihan said: “Purpose, passion (resilence and grit), and perseverance are the secret ingredients behind the success of many people, certainly has been, for me. You have them all. You are part of the SHARP community, you are our ambassadors, you are the success story that keeps growing." (full speech)

SHARP Associate Program Director Hani Tamim said: “Look at you now, from the last time we met on Friday, you are all excited and confident about what you know. The presentations this morning were amazing. You have transformed in a very nice way, congratulations.

Dr. Maha Reda Farhat, guest speaker from Harvard Medical School said: “More than ever, medicine is in need of visionaries and leaders, of knowledge makers and innovators. With skills in both research and clinical care, you are now poised to do just that." (full speech)​

Mohammad Al Mir, on behalf of the 2024 SHARP graduating cohort, said: “Today signifies the day we join a global family… a tightly-knit community of SHARPEEs all over the world. It is now up to us to be the best ambassadors of this program wherever we go. It is up to us to give back to this worldwide community and contribute to its growth and unity. Let us become beacons of support for the next cohorts of SHARPees." (full speech)

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