Author: James T. Munroe
Language: English
Subject: English Language & Literature
Publication Date: 1983
Number of Pages: 175
Book Dimensions: 14.9 x 21 cm
Cover Type: Paperback
Shipping Weight: 0.29 kg
Price: $7
The question of Arabic influences on European literature prior to the Renaissance is addressed through translations of single tales, collections, and other works of prose fiction from Arabic into Latin or Castillian. There is evidence that they have exerted an undeniable influence on the development of European literature. This book examines the influence of the maqama genre on the development of the Spanish – and through it, the entire European – picaresque novel. The maqamat of al-Hamadhānī, the originator of the Arabic branch of the genre, are re-examined by the author, who reaches some very interesting and enlightening analyses and conclusions.