American University of Beirut

FAFS Scholarships


The Abdulrahim Abuissa Memorial Scholarship in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering

The Abdulrahim Abuissa Memorial Scholarship in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering is merit based scholarship and will be used to pay for the tuition and other attendance-related fees of the selected undergraduate students majoring in undergraduate study in the fields of Agricultural Engineering or Biosystems Engineering [under development] at FAFS. The scholarship seeks to incentivize high achievers to realize their potential and create significant social impact in their communities and become national role models. It will be will be awarded provided that the students are in good academic standing and maintains a minimum of 80/100 GPA each semester. ​

The scholarship will be over-and-above what the student receives from AUB - if the students demonstrate financial need as recommended the Office of Financial Aid. The recipients of the scholarship should be of paternal and/or maternal Palestinian origin. ​

The Bassam Hamdi Al Aker Scholarship in Agricultural and​​​ Biosystems Engineering​

The Bassam Hamdi Al Aker Scholarship in Agricultural and Biosystems Eng​ineering is merit based scholarship and will be used to pay for the tuition and other attendance-related fees of the selected undergraduate students majoring in undergraduate study in the fields of Agricultural Engineering​ or Biosystems Engineering [under development] at FAFS. T​he scholarship seeks to incentivize high achievers to realize their potential and create significant social impact in their communities and become national role models. 

The scholarship will be over-and-above what the student receives from AUB - if the students demonstrate financial need as recommended the Office of Financial Aid.

​The Raji & Fawzieh Sinno Undergraduate Scholarship i​n Agriculture

​The Faculty of Agricultural & Food Sciences is offering up to full tuition scholarship to undergraduate students who are newly admitted to the undergraduate program of Agricultural Sciences.

​The R&F Sinno scholarship program is for merit students and aims to foster leaders and agents of change in the field of Agriculture at FAFS and is designated for prospective students who meet the criteria based on their grades, leadership skills, extracurricular activities and community involvement.

Awardees will be granted up to full tuition scholarships. These students will also be paired with a mentor for guidance and support needed to develop them as future leaders and will be also placed as undergraduate research assistants in a lab related to their major.
Prospective students should submit an​ online application .

For more information, please visit the Raji & Fawzieh Sinno Undergraduate Scholarship in Agriculture page.

​Carmen and Ray Debbane Scholarship

This scholarship program aims to support the undergraduate studies of FAFS best students. It is paid annually for the duration of the recipient's FAFS-AUB degree (3-4 years). It enables FAFS to award 2 full-tuition merit scholarships each year to new undergraduate applicants with outstanding academic qualifications. The merit scholarship awardees are selected from among the newly admitted undergraduate students on the basis of academic achievement and promise alone.

The Carmen and Ray Debbane scholarship will help ensure that he most gifted high school students in Lebanon and the region can boldly aspire to join the next cohort of FAFS students in Agriculture, Food and Environment, and become the future leaders of their communities.

Prospective students can apply for the Carmen and Ray Debbane ​ Scholarship by submitting the online application.

For more information, please visit the Carmen and Ray Debbane ​Scholarship page.​

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