American University of Beirut



1- Can I minor in CHLA?

No, but we are working on implementing a minor in the future

2- Can I take 2 CHLA courses at the same time?

As of fall 2023 for the new cohort, yes. For students who enrolled at AUB prior to 2023, yes IF they have completed seq. 1. Having completed their seq. 1 requirement, students are then able to take their required seq. 2 course as well additional seq. 1 courses should they so choose.

3-  Do we have to have a gap semester between seq. 1 and 2?

This is actually a requirement for students who enrolled at AUB prior to 2023 only. However, it has nothing to do with gap so much as with taking seq. 1 during the sophomore year and taking a seq. 2 in the junior year or later. However, if you are already a junior, no such delay is required; they can be taken back to back.

4 - Can I take CHLA as a free elective?

Yes, once you have satisfied your basic CHLA course requirement.

5- Are courses with the same number with different letter designations the same?

No, they are not.

6- Which CHLA courses fulfill which sequence requirements for students enrolled prior to 2023? 

(some published materials on CHLA sequences requirements do not indicate whether existing CVSP/CHLA courses are seq. 1 or 2. For those seeking this information the following applies):

Seq. 1:
214a, 201, 202, 214b*​

Seq. 2:
204, 206, 210a, 210b, 211a, 213a, 214b*

7- Which sequence requirements do the new CHLA210-214 courses satisfy?

CHLA210-214 courses fulfill both seq. 1 and seq. 2 requirements in all student cases.

8- I enrolled in or after 2023, how many CHLA courses am I required to take?

A minimum of one course must be chosen from the complete set of CHLA courses.

9- Can I satisfy multiple GE course requirements at once?

Yes, for example you may take CHLA 210 and fulfill both the social inequalities designation AS WELL AS the our cultures and histories requirement with this one course. Additionally, students may take 1 CHLA course to satisfy their CHLA requirement and another CHLA course to satisfy their GE requirement/s.

10- Do the CHLA language courses count towards the GE designations?


11-  Is there an online source with CHLA courses details and designation instructions? 

Yes: Courses ​

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