American University of Beirut

Department of Mathematics

​​​​​​​​​The Department of Mathematics has 16 full-time professorial rank faculty members and offers programs leading to the degrees of Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Science (BS) in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics and Statistics. It also offers programs leading to the degree of Master of Science (MS) in Mathematics.

Upcoming Events


  • Registration guide for Spring 2025.
    Capacity requests: follow exactly these guidelines.
    Restriction requests: follow exactly these guidelines.
    IMPORTANT 1: We only deal with capacity online as per the above guidelines. Students coming in person will be given zero attention.
    IMPORTANT 2: Due to the huge number of requests we receive, do not send any reminders. You are only one among 200. The more reminders, the less efficient we are! We only answer when a solution is found. Students sending reminder(s) wil be prosecuted (or given less attention).
    IMPORTANT 3: One email per course! If you need help e.g. for 2 courses, send 2 different emails. Merged emails are disregarded.
  • The department invites applications on Interfolio for tenure track positions in Mathematics at the Assistant Professor level to begin August 15, 2025.
  • The videos for our Summer School on Complex Analysis and Geometry, sponsored by  CIMPA, IMU and CAMS are available on the Youtube channel of CAMS.
  • The department now has an Instagram page. Follow us on
  • The Department of Mathematics, in collaboration with CAMS and SMEC at the Department of Education, organizes the Mathematics Olympiad: The AUB Edition.
  • The Department of Mathematics, in collaboration with CAMS organizes the Research Summer Camp in Mathematics.
  • In case you are interested in teaching in the Department of Mathematics on a part time basis, please refer to JOBS@FAS.
Math Olympiad 2023

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