American University of Beirut

Scholarship Opportunities: Middle East and North Africa Program for Advanced Injury Research (MENA PAIR)


The Middle East and North Africa Program for Advanced Injury Research (MENA PAIR) is a unique program funded by the US. National Institutes of Health that builds upon long-standing partnerships between Yale University and the American University of Beirut to advance injury research capacity in the region. MENA PAIR will provide trainees with the skills, mentorship, and professional networks to become leaders in injury research in the region and globally. Our team's diversity, broad expertise, and decades of experience working in the region will enable us to address the specific trauma and injury research needs of the MENA region.

MS Scholarships:​

MENA PAIR is offering TWO full scholarships for a Master of Science in Epidemiology, with a focus on injury research, at the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) of the American University of Beirut (AUB). Applications are now open for the Fall semester of AY 2024-2025. This opportunity is limited to nationals of countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

MENA PAIR seeks to form a cohort of trainees that is rich in diversity of ethnic backgrounds, prior training, and gender representation. The program is open to those with strong interest in injury research and to students with diverse backgrounds including Engineering, Public Health, Medicine, Nursing and Psychology.

The accepted candidates will receive a full-ride scholarship (tuition fees, stipend, health insurance, travel, other). Trainees will also be sponsored to travel to Yale University to engage in Summer Intensive Workshops (SIW). The SIW offers trainees a focused in-person training in advanced research methods and provide them with the opportunity to work closely with faculty mentors at Yale.

The process for trainee selection is as follows:

Apply to AUB


Apply to MENA PAIR

  • Applicants must apply to MENA PAIR via this link
  • Applicants must submit:

  • Application Deadline to apply for MENA PAIR Masters program starting Fall 2024 is March 14, 2024.
  • Interviews: Selected applicants may be invited for a video interview by the selection committee.

Applicants must be accepted by BOTH AUB graduate programs and MENA PAIR admissions committees.

For more information on eligibility criteria, please visit the MENA PAIR website.​

For all further questions please reach out by email to


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