Dr. Marie T. Aouad:
- Airway Management in the Intensive Care and Regular Hospital Units during COVID19 Pandemic: A Prospective Observational Study.
- Standard versus Hyperangulated Video Laryngoscopy Blades for Intubation in Neonates and Small Infants: Evaluation of the Glottic View.
- Lung Recruitment Maneuver as a Potential Predictor of Fluid Responsiveness in Mechanically Ventilated Pediatric Patients.
Dr. Sahar Siddik-Sayyid:
- Survey about Obstetric Anesthesia Standard Practice in the Middle East and North Africa Countries.
- Development and validation of the Observable Teaching Behaviors Rating (OTBR) Scale: a novel formative anesthesiology faculty evaluation tool.
Dr. Roland Kaddoum:
- An Endotracheal Tube Inserted Nasally to The Level of the Hypopharynx is an easy, safe, and effective rescue technique for ventilation of pediatric patients.
- COMT and OPRM1 Polymorphisms and their Effect on Post-Operative Pain in Children Undergoing Orthopedic, Abdominal, Thoracic, and Plastic Surgeries.
- A Two-Operator Technique for GlideScope-Assisted Endotracheal Intubation: Does It Yield a Higher Success Rate? A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Dr. Cynthia Karam:
- Comparison of Two Anesthetic protocols (Sevoflurane and laryngeal Mask Airway Versus Propofol Infusion and Facemask) for Eye Examination under Anesthesia in Children.
- Translation, cross cultural adaptation, and validation of an Arabic version of the American Society of Anesthesiologists’ Survey Recommendations for Anesthesia patients’ satisfaction.
Dr. Christian Rouphael:
- The routine use of nasopharyngeal airway in the setting of monitored anesthesia care during gastrointestinal endoscopy.
- High flow nasal cannula in patients undergoing Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography with intravenous sedation.
- Asleep fiberoptic vs direct laryngoscopy effect on hemodynamic stability using opioid free anesthesia.
Dr. Nancy Abou Nafeh: - Association between mechanical power and development of postoperative pulmonary complications in patients receiving intraoperative mechanical ventilation for general anesthesia (Project through MPOG).
- Enhancing difficult laryngoscopy prediction: a prospective study on a mixed scoring system with ultrasound and traditional metrics.
Dr. Mohamad El-Khatib: - Systematic review: HFNC in Pediatric Emergency Cases
Dr. Fatima Msheik:
- Impact of Current War on Clinical Trainees in Lebanon: a qualitative study
- The long-term effects of covid on international GME through ACGME-I surveys.
- Improving Residents’ Teaching and Students’ Learning in Anesthesiology Clerkships: An Interventional and Exploratory Approach.
- Psychological Safety in the Clinical Learning Environment.
- Graduate Medical Education during the Crises.
- Preparedness and Integration of ACGME-I Graduates.
- Systematic Review: Systems-Based Practice.
- Digital Transformation in Medical Education Through Personalized Educational Tracks: An Experience of an American Medical Education Institution in the Middle East.