American University of Beirut

101 Facts & Figures on the Syrian Refugee Crisis​​

​​​Book Description

The "101 Facts & Figures on the Syrian Refugee Crisis" three volumes build on the work that was started in spring 2017, to communicate through social media and other platforms key facts and figures on the Syrian refugee crisis, which was meant to inform the discussion and counter falsehoods and half-truths. In these books, facts are based on available studies and reports produced by credible scholars, universities, think tanks, governmental agencies, UN agencies, and NGOs.

This book series provide key figures on the Syria crisis, with evidence on its impact on the human development and local economy inside Syria, the living conditions of displaced Syrians, their legal status in host countries, and their social relations with their host communities. The series shed light on the health, education, and livelihood situation of displaced Syrians inside Syria, as well as Syrian refugees in host countries. It does not only include figures that highlight the current realities surrounding the responses to the Syrian crisis (whether related to funding levels, service provision, or unmet needs), but also facts related to the future prospects of Syrian refugees as well as their spending and investments in host countries.

By taking the debate into scientific evidence, these volumes are not tailored as an attempt to dilute the burden or impact of displacement on, first and foremost the refugees themselves, or on host societies and countries. On the contrary, it aims at presenting evidence-based facts and figures, contextualizing the Syrian crisis, nuancing its impacts, highlighting some positive contributions of refugees, and informing the debate.

In the age of post-truths, the centrality of evidence and facts to inform the public and guide the debate shall be underscored.


This publication can be obtained from the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs office at the American University of Beirut or can be downloaded here:

Volume I - January 2018 

Volume II - J​uly 2019

Volume III - October 2021​

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Program Manager: Yara Mourad,​​​​

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