American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
The mission of this AIChE student chapter is to promote excellence by providing support for chemical engineering students to succeed academically and advance professionally.
Our goal is to attain regional and international recognition for our chapter by promoting the professional development of its members through activities with students, faculty, and industry representatives; fostering camaraderie between students from different years; building connections with other AIChE chapters; and introducing students to the wide array of postgraduate options.
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
ASCE-AUB Student Chapter is a student – based society, that brings together more than 300 students, professors, and staff members. It aims to promote student life and strengthen the bond between its members. In order to achieve that goal, activities and events are organized all year long through which the students interact in academic and non-academic environments and get closer to one another.
Instagram: @asce_aub
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
ASME is an international multidisciplinary organization that sets the standards for the different applications in engineering. At AUB, the student chapter organizes technical workshops, field trips, competitions, and conferences for mechanical engineering students.
Email: for Computing Machinery (ACM)
ACM is a dynamic, student-led organization committed to fostering a culture of computer science education and community service. With over 100 active members, including students and alumni, the club serves as a catalyst for promoting learning, volunteerism, and collaboration within and beyond the American University of Beirut (AUB) through a range of initiatives in the three committees on competitive programming, artificial intelligence, and education.
Instagram: @aub_acm
LinkedIn: AUB ACM
AUB Automotive Club
The Automotive Club aims to help students learn more in several automotive-related fields through holding lectures with experts in the field. The club also organizes entertaining & socializing events such as Formula One race streams which allow our members to bond. Finally, we also enjoy attending numerous motorsports events in Lebanon and participating in national and international competitions, namely, the NXP cup.
Instagram: @automotive_aub
LinkedIn: AUB Automotive Club
AUB Robotics Club
AUB Robotics Club aims to build a closely-knit group of members who are interested in robotics-related fields and who are willing to dedicate time and effort to improve the level of robotics, electronics, control, mechatronics, and related areas. We offer students practical experience through workshops, competitions, and projects, striving to give resources to and make connections with those who show initiative, starting at AUB and reaching out to institutions and units in the region.
@aubroboticsThe mission of ESS is to assist engineering students in preparing for their professional careers. ESS organizes all sorts of activities (sports, trivia, etc.) in which students from different engineering fields compete.
Email: Graphic Design and Architecture Student Society (GrASS)
GrASS works to create an exciting extracurricular environment for students of the Department of Architecture and Design by hosting a variety of academic and recreational events, including lectures, workshops, and field trips. GrASS collaborates with student clubs, and societies beyond the department as means of promoting ArD student interaction with the greater AUB community.
Email: grass.aub@gmail.comIAESTE Club
The International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE) is an independent, non-profit, and non-political student exchange organization. It provides students in technical degrees with paid, course-related training abroad and employers with highly skilled, highly motivated international trainees. IAESTE at AUB aims to gather internship offers from around the globe for AUB students and help foreign students secure internships in Lebanon.
@iaeste.aub Industrial Engineering Society, Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE)
IISE is an international, nonprofit association that provides leadership for the education, training, research, and development of industrial engineering. The student society holds monthly events, workshops, and talks with industry professionals.
Email: Instagram:
@iise_aubInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
IEEE is an association dedicated to advancing innovation and technological excellence for the benefit of humanity. It is designed to serve professionals involved in all aspects of the electrical, electronic and computing fields and related areas of science and technology that underlie modern civilization. The AUB IEEE Club aims to arouse student interest in science, engineering, and technology through various programs, conferences, and other fun activities.
Instagram: @ieee_aub
Students for Sustainable Energy for All (SSEA)
Students for Sustainable Energy for All (SSEA) is an international student network that falls under the Global Energy Initiative. The American University of Beirut (AUB) SSEA Chapter works towards promoting energy security, protecting the environment, and mitigating the effects of climate change from our corner of the world, here at AUB. It also focuses on promoting renewable energy and sustainable actions among the AUB community through initiatives and projects on and off campus.
Instagram: @ssea.aub