American University of Beirut

Abdulla Al Ghurair Hub for Digital Teaching and Learning

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​In commitment to its vision of a more viable, livable, and equitable world, MSFEA has partnered with Abdulla Al Ghurair Foundation (AGF) to establish the Abdulla Al Ghurair Hub for Digital Teaching and Learning in a pioneering initiative to advance world-class online STEM education. The core mission of the Hub is to promote innovation in education and increase access to, and impact of, high-quality education for Arab youth. The Hub is thus committed to advocating for modern and effective online learning, inclusive knowledge dissemination, data-driven solutions to pedagogical challenges, and need-based capacity building within AUB and at regional education institutions.

Our Vision

To transform the student learning experience to be more contextual, impactful, and accessible.

And to transform the existing higher-education teaching and research infrastructure to be more supportive of digital, adaptive, dynamic, and interactive approaches.​

Our Mission

  • To deliver accessible high-quality online STEM education

  • To digitize and modernize residential higher e​ducation

  • To empower Arab youth through relevant and impactful skill-building programs

  • To provide industry-relevant education and training for working professionals in their lifelong learning journeys

  • To advance data- and research-driven innovation in education

  • To support capacity-building efforts of regional education institutions embarking on the journey of online education​

​Our Values

  • Quality: leveraging cutting-edge learning technologies, new pedagogical approaches, and data-driven analytics that improve the teaching and learning experiences, help achieve high-quality learning outcomes, and allow adaptiveness to different learning styles while also nurturing self-discipline and responsibility in learners 

  • Access: reaching wider populations and increasing diversity among learners, especially those from underserved communities facing various barriers to education and skill-development opportunities (such as financial, geographical, logistical, and geopolitical barriers)

  • Relevance: enabling lifelong learning and skill development opportunities that respond to the rapidly evolving needs of regional and global labor markets 

  • ​​​​Resilience: maintaining uninterrupted learning experiences in times of uncertainty and emergency such as the recent civil unrest in Lebanon and the global COVID-19 pandemic

​Our Service Lines and Impact

  • Development of innovative online and blended graduate and skill-building programs
    • ​​Impact: provide novel education and career pathways to hundreds of new and returning learners every year

  • ​Full digitization of high enrollment courses and digital enhancement of residential courses at MSFEA
    • ​​Impact: transform the quality of the learning experience and improve learning outcomes for current and future MSFEA students

  • ​Offering online STEM education training and mentoring to regional education institutions​​
    • ​​Impact: promote modern and cutting-edge higher education in the MENA region​​

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