American University of Beirut

  • Lebanon's Multiple Crises: Political, Economic, and Climate Implications

    ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Watch discussion via the links below:​

    • Secretary of the Debs Center Ada Porter, GEI Co-Director Tania Haddad, and Ayman Mohyeldin deliver opening remarks here.
    • Joseph Bahout outlines the myriad crises facing Lebanon, from a corrupt, sclerotic government to an ever-escalating financial crisis to an ongoing refugee problem here.
    • Ed Gabriel describes the U.S. position vis-a-vis Lebanon in terms of overall strategic objectives and ground-level actions here.
    • Mona Yacoubian discusses the impact of conflict-fatigue on the Lebanese people and the importance of finding ways to empower local, solutions-minded private actors here.
    • For Joseph Bahout, it's an open question as to whether executive branch reform should come before the election of a new executive, or vice-versa here.
    • Mona Yacoubian sees the possibility and potential of a new generation of Lebanese who don't identify with sects and their affiliated political parties here.
    • Joseph Bahout is not convinced that the new generation is wholly progressive and sees elements of radicalism taking hold in the face of a deepening economic and political crisis here.
    • Mona Yacoubian believes investing in Lebanese institutional capacity is key to weakening militias and other local non-state military actors here.
    • Ayman Mohyeldin moderates a discussion of Lebanon's refugee issues, the possibility of international cooperation around the political crisis, and signs of hope here.

    Watch our post-discussion interviews with the participants:

    • ​VP at the US Peace Institute Mona Yacoubian discusses regional politics and Lebanon's ongoing significance to the international community here.

    • Retired Ambassador Ed Gabriel breaks down Lebanon's cross-cutting crises, with a focus on the US perspective here.

    Explore the entire GEI media library here.

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