Yasmeen Makarem is an Assistant Professor of Human Resource Development at the S. Olayan School of Business at the American University of Beirut in Lebanon. Yasmeen has built a portfolio of work related to three core areas: (1) women in STEM and related career ecosystems, (2) critical perspectives on management studies and (3) inclusive HRM practices and policies. The main body of her work has increasingly adopted an interdisciplinary, multilevel and critical lens attentive to the contextual influences of patriarchy, power differentials, cultural variations, and sociopolitical instability. Yasmeen’s work has been published in several journals and academic conferences, including Human Resource Management Journal, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Business Research Quarterly, Human Resource Development Quarterly, Academy of Management and Academy of Human Resource Development.
Yasmeen is currently leading the work on Crises-Related Recruitment, Retention, and Promotion Policies with MENA Employers at the Support and Accelerate Women's Inclusion (SAWI) Project, which includes mapping the nature and scale of oppression faced by women employees during times of crises (e.g., the Covid-19 pandemic) and highlighting how these crises have further contributed to women's experiences of oppression at work, specifically their recruitment, retention, and promotion policies in the formal sector.