This page is updated regularly so please visit us again or contact the editorial team at to submit relevant news, events, and links to publications concerning public health in the Arab world.
December 2012
- New book published. The book 'Women, Health and the State in the Middle East: The Politics and Culture of Childbirth in Jordan (Library of Modern Middle East Studies)' is published by I.B. Tauris.
November 2012
New books published. The following books of interest to public health in the region are published this month.
- PHAW List launched: A global Public Health in the Arab World List has been launched. This is a subscription-based list.
- To join the list, you need to register (takes less than a minute).
Join PHAW List
October 2012
- Health in the Arab World discussed at APHA: Thirteen papers concerning various aspects of public health in the Arab World were presented at the
140th Annual Meeting of the
American Public Health Association
- Global Health Day:
The Arab American Community Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS) Community Health & Research Center jointly with the
University of Michigan School of Public Health have organized a Global Health Day focusing on health issues in Arab Communities worldwide. The event, held at the School in Ann Arbor, MI, brought together a diverse group of researchers from North America and the Arab region who explored options for international collaborations on the subject.
- ACCESS organizes international conference on health in Arab communities:
The Arab American Community Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS) Community Health & Research Center has organized and hosted the "6th International Conference on Health Issues in Arab Communities" in Dearborn, Michigan, USA, 16-17 October 2012.
- The conference included a plenary session on health and the Arab uprisings in which speakers from five countries (Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen) discussed the meanings of political and social changes in transition countries for public health.
- See coverage "Panel calls for 'Arab spring' for public health"
September 2012
- Public Health Leadership Program (PHLP) held in Amman: The "Tools & Strategies for Managing the Development of Public Health Programming in the Middle-East" program was held 21-26 September 2012 at the
Columbia University Middle East Research Center (CUMERC) in Amman, Jordan. The Program was facilitated by Professors Alastair Ager and Jamie Eliades of Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health and Professor/Associate Dean Rima Afifi and Dr. Samer Jabbour of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the American University of Beirut.
- See
CUMERC program webpage for more information
PHAW Book launched at Imperial College: On 14 September 2012, a day after the 2012 BMA Medical Book Awards ceremony, the book 'Public Health in the Arab World' book (Cambridge University Press, March 2012) was launched at Imperial College London in an event organized by WHO Collaborating Centre (WCC), School of Public Health, at ICL. Professor Salman Rawaf, Director of the WCC, welcomed guests and stressed the importance of the book. Dr. Samer Jabbour, of the Faculty of Heath Sciences at the American University of Beirut and lead editor of the book, presented key messages from the book while Dr. Sameen Siddiqi, Director of the Division of Health Systems Development at the WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean in Cairo, spoke about the challenges facing health systems in the region.
August 2012
- Book on Population Dynamics Launched at WDA Forum: The book 'Population Dynamics in Muslim Countries - Assembling the Jigsaw' (Springer, 2012) is launched at the the 8th World Demographic & Ageing Forum (WDA Forum) held at the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland, August 27-30, 2012.
June 2012
- Abstracts accepted for presentation at APHA 2012: Five abstracts based on some of the findings of the book 'Public Health in the Arab World' have been accepted for oral presentation at the 140th Annual Meeting of the American Public Health Association to be held in San Francisco, CA, USA, October 27-31, 2012. The abstracts cover a diverse set of subjects including how public health is at crossroad today, health system governance, the public health workforce, health and human security, and community resilience during war.
May 2012
- Formal PHAW book launch: A formal launch of the book ‘Public Health in the Arab World’ (Cambridge University Press, March 2012) was scheduled on Tuesday May 15th, 4:00-5:00 PM (followed by a reception) at the Hisham Jaroudi Auditorium, Hariri School of Nursing, facing American University of Beirut (AUB) Medical Center. The launch was under the patronage of H.E. Prime Minister Najib Mikati and hosted by AUB President Peter Dorman and Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) Dean Iman Nuwayhid. His Excellency Mikati, President Dorman and Dean Nuwayhid in addition to lead editor of the book Samer Jabbour (FHS/AUB) addressed the audience. Professor Huda Zurayk (FHS/AUB) was the Master of Ceremonies.
April 2012
- Panel organized at FORUM 2012: The Faculty of Health Sciences at the American University of Beirut (FHS/AUB) organizes a roundtable panel 'Building research-for-health systems towards equity and development in the context of change in the Arab World' at Forum 2012 (organized by the COHRED Group) in Cape Town, South Africa. The session/roundtable panel is organized and moderated by Samer Jabbour (FHS/AUB). The discussions focus on the impact of transformative changes in the Arab world on the research-for-health agenda and the need for building strong research-for-health systems.' The session is part of Theme 2: Networks and Partnerships for Research and Innovation and took place during day 2 (April 25th).
- See FORUM 2012 website for a description of session and list of speakers
- See the blogpost 'Making the most of the Arab Spring' about the session, by Kathryn Strachan, a freelance journalist in South Africa who attended the session and blogged about it on SciDev.Net Blog (part of the Science and Development Network)
March 2012
- New book published: The book ‘Public Health in the Arab World’ is published by Cambridge University Press
- Iman Nuwayhid, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) at the American University of Beirut (AUB) and a co-editor of the book, shows the first copy at AUB's West Hall on March 5th during a reception for the Lancet Palestinian Health Alliance Conference.
- New book published: The book ‘Population Dynamics in Muslim Countries: Assembling the Jigsaw' is published by Springer.
- New online communities: Coinciding with the publication of the book by Cambridge, the Faculty of Health Sciences at the American University of Beirut launches a website, a Facebook page, and a Linkedin group, devoted to public health in the Arab world
- New scholarship collaboration launched: The Faculty of Health Sciences at the American University of Beirut hosts a meeting (March 7th, 2012) to plan for a Lancet series on health in the Arab World in the presence of Richard Horton, the Editor of the Lancet
January 2012
- Interview with the lead editor, Samer Jabbour, about the book ‘Public Health in the Arab World’ (forthcoming Cambridge University Press, March 2012) and other matters, appears in the Bulletin of the World Health Organization.